--- MAKE FIRST ( immidiatly WITHOUT interuption for example PAGES a - to - z ) --------- [ FIRST go to the button 'pages' THEN you see at the BOTTEM from your page------ (( to : make - a- page - button )) --- Then start begin with a , a pusch on the button , then , --------- b and push on the button etc . AT THE END ( ONLY when YOU are at Z , ONLY THEN ! --------- PUSH twice publish . Good Luck. ------
--- FIRST MAKE pages a to z (one by one) -- it is possible --
that you need to change the a-b-c (etc) to [z-y-x (etc)] (when you like it) --
-- symply change (one by one) and (click each time ~ publish etc.) --
. . . footer . . . is . . . a . . . message . . . which appears --
-- in every page !--