Research themes

The Hasegawa laboratory conducts cutting-edge research aimed at elucidating the physical essence of information. Recent advancements in nanotechnology have pushed information processing technologies into uncharted territories. Accompanying this, the immense energy density of CPUs has hindered processing speed improvements, and quantum computers that leverage quantum mechanics to achieve exponential acceleration have emerged, rapidly bringing computer science and physics closer together. Consequently, pioneering theories that integrate computer science and physics are indispensable for driving future innovations in information technology. The laboratory engages in cross-disciplinary research bridging information and physics, utilizing theories such as stochastic processes, machine learning, quantum mechanics, information thermodynamics, and relativity.



We are working in the following fields. These fields are interconnected, and we study phenomena in a wide range of fields that cannot be handled by individual fields through intensive discussions among the members.


Thermodynamics of Precision

Higher accuracy demands more energy. This fact is understood by everyone, but was not clear in theory. In recent years, a relationship called "thermodynamic uncertainty relation" has been clarified, which quantitatively evaluates the relation between energy and accuracy. In my laboratory, we have proposed thermodynamic uncertainty relations based on information estimation theory and fluctuation theorem, and discovered many previously unknown relations. We believe that the relationship between accuracy and energy will play an important role in quantum computation.


Quantum Thermodynamics and Information

Quantum thermodynamics is a study of heat and work at the quantum level such as atoms and spins. Quantum thermodynamics has historically been closely related to quantum information, and the theory of quantum information has been widely used. In our laboratory, we use quantum estimation theory and quantum information to study the accuracy limit of quantum systems and the speed limit of quantum systems. Such research is an indispensable theory for understanding quantum computers.


Machine Learning and Thermodynamics

Machine learning algorithms can be improved by incorporating the latest findings in non-equilibrium thermodynamics. In my laboratory, we are studying how to apply the theory of Jarzynski equality to the sampling algorithm to achieve efficient sampling.


Information Thermodynamics

Not only expressions but also meanings of the thermodynamic entropy and information entropy are the same. The field of studying the relationship between information, heat, and work is called information thermodynamics, and has received much attention in recent years. In my laboratory, we are studying thermodynamic uncertainty relations based on information theory and thermodynamic uncertainty relations including information transfer.


Relativistic Quantum Information

Quantum computation enables information processing that is not possible classically by using quantum superpositions. Recently, it has been found that by incorporating relativistic effects, it is possible to process information in a way that is impossible with conventional quantum information. In Indefinite Causal Order, we can consider superpositions of orders. We study quantum battery charging and quantum walk algorithms based on infinite causal order.

量子計算では,量子的な重ね合わせを用いることで,古典的には不可能な情報処理が可能となります.さらに,相対論的な効果を取り入れることで,従来の量子情報では不可能な情報処理が可能であることが分かってきました.不確定因果順序(Indefinite Causal Order)では,順番の重ね合わせを考えることができます.本研究室では不確定因果順序を使った量子バッテリーのチャージや,量子ウォークアルゴリズムを研究しています.


Oscillators are ubiquitous in the nature. In particular, limit cycles, which gradually return to a constant rhythm despite disturbances, are indispensable to living organisms, including information processing by neurons and the circadian clocks of living organisms, which mark an about 24-hour rhythm. Many of these oscillators are known to synchronize with external signals or with each other, and their analysis requires a method to reduce a system described by nonlinear dynamics to low-dimensional dynamics. In this laboratory, we are developing phase reduction methods for quantum nonlinear oscillators, which have attracted much attention in recent years.


Stochastic Process

Many of the fields in our laboratory deal with microscopic systems. Unlike macroscopic systems described by deterministic differential equations, microscopic systems are subject to fluctuations and are therefore described by stochastic differential equations or master equations that include stochastic elements. In this laboratory, we study the solution methods of such stochastic differential equations and master equations.


Past Topics

Topological Data Analysis

Topological data analysis (TDA) is an analysis method using the "shape" of data. For example, a cup with a handle and a donut have different shapes, but when deformed, they have the same shape in the sense that they both have "one hole". The shape that is invariant under the deformation is called topology. TDA considers the topology on the data and analyzes based on the topology of the data. In my laboratory, we propose a method for analyzing time series data and complex network data using TDA, and achieve highest classification accuracy compared to the conventional methods.

位相データ解析(TDA: Topological data analysis)とは,データの「形」を用いて解析する手法です.例えば,取っ手のついたコップとドーナツは形は違いますが,変形させれば「穴が一つ」という意味では形は同じです.このように変形しても不変な形をトポロジーといいます.トポロジーをデータ上で考え,データのトポロジーに基づいて解析するのがTDAです.本研究室では,TDAを用いて時系列データや複雑ネットワークデータを解析する手法を提案し,分類精度において従来手法より高い精度を達成しております.

Applied Algebra

In recent years, algebraic methods have made rapid progress, and methods for analyzing nonlinearities, which cannot be expressed by linear algebra, have attracted attention. Until now, most machine learning was based on linear algebra, and algebraic methods did not attract much attention due to their high computational cost. Recent advances in computational power has made it possible to carry out algebraic algorithms that were not possible before. My laboratory is studying applications of algebraic algorithms.
