hosted by
Harvard Club of Boston & Harvard Club of Ireland
Mission of the project
In this holiday season of giving thanks we are asking our Harvard alumni communities to come together and support the work of Harvard Alumni Association Elected Director and enrolled Navajo Tribal Member Ethel Billie Branch. We are asking you to model Allyship by supporting her work for the Navajo and Hopi people in their hour of need by donating to the Navajo & Hopi Families Covid-19 Relief Fund.
The Relief Fund seeks to raise enough fund to carry Navajo and Hopi families through this second wave, through the cold and flu season, and to the end of the COVID pandemic in these communities.
For $100, you will help a family of four by providing them with 2 weeks’ worth of food and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
For as little as $10, you can help feed a family of 4 for an entire day
Here are more ways you can take action:
Effort 1
Share this correspondence with your membership database.
Effort 2
Post this story with the Donate link on your club website
Effort 3
Consider making the NHFCRF your club charity of choice for this year OR next year
Effort 4
Personally draw attention to the Relief Fund’s Giving Tuesday campaign through social media
Contact robert.manson@pembrokehall.ie. to get more information on this Harvard alumni initiative.