COVID-19 Problems


My plan for my project was to feature much more . I planned to have interviews with people whose lives had been influenced by artworks. These would include people who owned business with an artwork promoting that business. And with their permission I would ask their customers if they notice their artworks. I would also liked to have looked more into if having graffiti on their buildings would lower their customers intake. I would ask passers by what the thought of big art murals like ones on Nicholson street or the up field line.

More Pictures Taken

One of my main ideas for a presentation was to have a big collage of all the pictures I could take. unfortunately due to corona i spent much more time inside and didn't really get out except for exercise, I managed to take a few each time I went for a jog however and over the last few weeks and came up with a good assortment.

A Visual Display

The display for the expo was supposed to have many visual displays, I wanted a very visual display and planned to bring in designs I had made and also maybe some artworks I had made. I would of also liked to bring in some spray cans that I had used to give a bit more atmosphere. The idea for a big board of photos was not a possibility thanks to corona, but i tried to mirror that design into this website.

Plans for the Future

In the future I would like to have more of a go at using spray cans to create art. Behind my house is an alleyway that is hardly used, and I think there would be a good place to start and practice. I have come to the conclusion that street art is much, much harder than it looks and wouldn't be surprised if it took a decent amount of time to learn how to become fluent at using a can. But i hope with practice I can learn. This topic has also made me notice more art on the walls of my neighborhood and i have started seeing art drawn by the same artist and comparing them. This topic has opened my eye to the hard work that goes into creating an art piece and I have developed a greater appreciation of the art around me.