
Dissertation: Corruption in Africa: effect on resource allocation and the role of leadership 

(Ph.D. defense: September 30, 2022) Proposal for a thesis prize and grant for publication.

Supervisor: Luc-Désiré OMGBA, Professor of Economics, University of Lorraine, France

Jury members :

 Pr. Pascale Combes Motel, Reviewer - University of Clermont Auvergne

• Pr. Dramane Coulibaly, Reviewer - University of Lumière Lyon 2

• Dr. Christian Ebeke, Examiner - International Monetary Fund –IMF-

• Pr. Elise Huillery, Examiner - University of Paris Dauphine, PSL

• Pr. Valérie Mignon, President - University of Paris Nanterre