Colonel Harold Ozanne DSO

Royal Marine Light Infantry

1879 - 1945

Harold Ozanne in 1917 after the award of his DSO (portrait by John St Helier Lander)

Harold Ozanne was born in Guyana on 10th April 1879 and died 66 years later in Bishops Stortford on 1st February 1945

Colonel Ozanne had a long and distinguished career in the Royal Marines both at sea and on land. At the start of World War 1 he was on board HMS Cressy when she was torpedoed and sunk in the North Sea. In 1916 he served aboard HMS Warspite at the Battle of Jutland and later that year joined the 1st Battalion Royal Marine Light Infantry in France, eventually becoming their Commanding Officer. He fought at the Battle of the Ancre River (Somme), the Battle of Miraumont (after which he was awarded the DSO), the Battle of Arras (Gavrelle Windmill and Arleux Loop) and the Second Battle of Passchendaele. He was wounded on numerous occasions and twice Mentioned in Despatches. In 1918 he was awarded the rank of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel for 'distinguished service in the prosecution of the war'