Namaste! My name is Izabella Russomanno, I am the founder of Cosmic Anatomy.

Cosmic Anatomy emerged through the integration between Psychology, the Body and Astrology. Currently, I work as an Astrologer, Holistic Psychotherapist, Yoga and Belly Dance Teacher.

I deeply believe that we have different bodies within our constitution as a human being - a great cosmic anatomy. In order to obtain the total integration of the Being and to experience our state of full health, harmony needs to be established in the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

I attend with therapeutic consultations using the Astral Map as a compass that leads the process of self-knowledge, always combining Psychology and body work. The self-healing process is total: in my consultations you understand that you are a great Whole - and no area of ​​your life is left out.

I teach Yoga and Belly Dance classes and courses, with a therapeutic focus. The practices were the birth of the "Movement & Cosmic Body" Project. Dance and Yoga in connection with the energy of the planets and the Universe.

In addition, I developed an intuitive craft work called "Jewels of Power" for women and the Sacred Feminine, by making exclusive and therapeutic accessories from crystals and natural stones.