Camp Descriptions

Grades 2-5 Camps

Animation with Scratch

Pre-requisite: None

MIT Scratch is a GUI based programming environment. While it has a friendly interface that appeals to young children, it has tons of functionality! You can do 2D animations of objects, create cool drawings, make a character sing a tune, develop an interactive game and even narrate a story with images!

Scratch uses drag-and-drop programming which means no syntax errors – your program is always ready to run! It enables the young learners to focus on the logic instead. Please visit and create a FREE account so that the camper can store all the projects in the web. Here is a sample agenda:

Day 1: Introduction, Simple animations
Day 2: Drawing patterns, Power of Variables
Day 3: Looks, Costumes and backdrops, Events, Sensing
Day 4: Games and Animation, Greeting Cards
Day 5: Sharks-Fish Game Ping Pong Game

Math & Scratch

Pre-requisite: MIT Scratch

Your child loves math? Want to see Math in action? We will work through a series of Math problems in MIT Scratch. This camp is for students who enjoy working with math problems. Concepts: sequence, comparison, place values, multiplication tables, sum of numbers, rounding, transactions, factors, rational numbers, fractions & decimals, time, unit conversions, prime numbers, sorting & searching. Here is the resource ebook for this camp & beyond!

Day 1: MIT Scratch, Greeting, next number, list numbers in a sequence, calculator
Day 2: Multiplication table, adding multiple numbers, check number is even or odd
Day 3: Rounding a number, bank account transactions, factors of a number
Day 4: Common factors of 2 numbers, Conversion between hours, minutes & seconds, conversion of temperature (F’ and C’)
Day 5: Finding prime numbers, binary search

Light up Coding with Microbit

Pre-requisite: None

This camp is based on a little device called BBC micro:bit, but it is not needed thanks to a nice on-screen simulator! It has 25 red LED lights that can flash messages. It can be used for all sorts of cool creations, from animated patterns to musical instruments – the possibilities are endless. is the place to get started!

Day 1: Introduction & Starter projects – Beating heart, Name badge, Graphical dice
Day 2: Fun games - Weather predictor, Coin flipper, Rock, Paper, Scissors game
Day 3: Fun games - 7 seconds game, Snap the dot game, Stopwatch
Day 4: Introduction to sensors, Light level sensor
Day 5: Crashy Bird game

Advanced Scratch

Pre-requisite: MIT Scratch

Once the students are comfortable with the basics covered in “Animations using Scratch”, they can take an advanced camp to develop games & make music. We will typically use multiple sprites (objects) and even multiple code segments for each object. We will use programming concepts to make music and even utilize randomness to change the tunes along the way. We will use sophisticated concepts like event-driven programming and cloning objects to complete advanced projects.

Day 1: Scratch Review - Blocks, Simple Animations, Falling Fruits Game
Day 2: Draw Complex Patterns. Costumes
Day 3: Events, sensing, Shark fish Game
Day 4: Greeting card, Pong Starter
Day 5: Maze Game, Beetle game

Grades 5-8 Camps

3D Animations with Alice (PC or Mac needed)

Pre-requisite: None

This camp is perfect for middle school students who have not done any programming so far. It uses drag and drop programming, which means no syntax errors! You can convert your idea to code quickly and see it in action! You can code 3D animations or games with ease. Alice comes with a powerful graphics library that minimizes coding effort. Visit to preview the content.

Alice camp requires Windows PC/laptop or MacBook. Chromebook will NOT work. Alice tool can be downloaded from (English Gallery Complete is preferred). See the detailed instructions here.

Day 1: Scene Setup, Our first program with Coach & Penguin
Day 2: Dog & Cat, Loop-the-loop by Sea Plane
Day 3: Person walking back & forth (IF statements), coordinated hand movements
Day 4: Array of objects, sophisticated group dance
Day 5: Frog jumping game

Web Page Design

Pre-requisite: None

This is an introductory camp to the fundamentals of web development using HTML and CSS to structure and design a webpage. HTML and CSS are core languages in the content creation of web pages and web applications. Through this camp, the students will be introduced to the syntax, organization, and abilities of both HTML and CSS. Students will learn the technical skills of structuring an HTML document with the compatible styling capabilities of CSS. Through hands-on demos and instruction, students will be building and designing a webpage, and learn skills that will be the foundation to a self-sufficient and knowledgeable coder.

Any text editor will work for this camp, but we prefer Sublime text or notepad++ for syntax highlighting to catch silly mistakes.

Day 1: HTML, HTML5 tags
Day 2: HTML forms, HTML tables
Day 3: HTML examples, CSS
Day 4: JavaScript
Day 5: A project using all the concepts

Drawings & Animations with JavaScript

Pre-requisite: Alice

This camp uses the Khan Academy JavaScript environment, which features a web-page with coding area and virtual canvas area for output. As you type the code, output appears/changes. This friendly environment comes with a powerful graphics library that minimizes the coding effort. has a few examples if you would like to review.

There is no software to install and all the work is done in a website. Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browser is required since IE does not work well. is a popular site for school students - most of them should have an account there already. If not, we encourage you to create one so that the programs can be stored for future reference. We will start the coding journey at

Day 1: Drawing Basics, Coloring, Variables, Animations
Day 2:
Mouse Interactions, Functions
Day 3:
Local and Global Variables, If Statements
Day 4:
While Loops, For Loops
Day 5:
Intro to Arrays

Data processing in Google Sheets

Pre-requisite: None

Google Sheets (similar to Microsoft Excel, but it is FREE!) is a powerful tool essential for managing and presenting data in today’s classrooms & workplaces. In this camp, students will learn to create and edit worksheets, use formulas and functions, sort and filter detail data visually, and present summary information in a consumable and professional format. Then we will cover advanced features like PivotTables & What-if Analysis.

Day 1: Working with Formulas and Functions- Introduction, Creating Formulas that manipulate Text. Working with Dates and Times. Creating Formulas that Count and Sums Values.
Day 2: Creating Formulas that look up Values, Miscellaneous Calculation.
Day 3: Introduction Formulas and Functions, Working with Formulas and Functions, Creating Formulas that manipulate, Sum, and Count Values.
Day 4: Introducing Array Formulas, Performing Magic with Array Formulas.
Day 5: Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables, Performing Spreadsheet What-If Analysis.

Biology camp

Pre-requisite: None

Day 1: cells (cellular respiration)
Day 2: body systems (case studies)
Day 3: genetics (murder mystery)
Day 4: evolution and ecology (creating and ecosystem)
Day 5- piecing together information presented to solve a scenario.

Grades 8-12 camps

Creative Coding with JavaScript

Pre-requisite (recommended):
Scratch, Alice or Block based coding

This camp uses p5js environment (improved version of Khan Academy JavaScript environment), which features a web-page with coding area and virtual canvas area for output. As you type the code, output appears/changes. This friendly environment comes with a powerful graphics library that minimizes the coding effort. has a few examples if you would like to review.

There is no software to install and all the work is done in a website. Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browser is required since IE does not work well. Go to and click on the top-right corner to create an account so that your programs can be stored in the web. Here is a sample agenda for 4 days:

Day 1: Drawing Basics, Coloring, Variables, Introduction to Animations
Day 2:
Mouse Interactions, Functions
Day 3:
If Statements, While & for loops
Day 4:
Intro to Arrays
Day 5: Cyber-flowers, Recursive trees

Java Basics (IF statements, loops & methods)

Pre-requisite: JavaScript

Java is a popular language that is used to program tiny devices to complex software applications!

While there are several IDEs available to develop Java code, we will use web-based IDE to get going quickly. Please visit and create a free account. Then, you can start at and create programs and store in the web as well. This camp will cover the following concepts using hands-on activities.

Day 1: First program, user input & output, variables
Day 2: If-else statements,
Day 3: for and while loops
Day 4: static methods
Day 5: Problem solving using IF statements and loops

Intermediate Java (Arrays & Recursion)

Java Basics

Java basics camp covers the basic building blocks of the language. This next level camp will cover the advanced level topics using hands-on examples.

Day 1: Arrays
Day 2: Strings
Day 3: ArrayLists
Day 4: Recursion
Day 5: More problem solving

Block based coding for Beginners

Pre-requisite: None

This is a perfect camp for high school students who have not done any coding so far.

Day 1: Basic Scratch projects
Day 2: Advanced Scratch projects
Day 3: Microbits projects / Basic Alice projects
Day 4: Microbits projects / Advanced Alice projects
Day 5:
Machine Learning with Scratch / Khan Academy JavaScript

Python Basics
(IF statements, loops & functions)

Pre-requisite: JavaScript

Python is a friendly & powerful language to develop the software applications quickly!

While there are several IDEs available to develop Python code, we will use web-based IDE to get going quickly. Please visit and create a free account. Then, you can start at and create programs and store in the web as well.

Day 1: First program, user input & output, variables
Day 2: If-else statements
Day 3: Loops
Day 4: Strings
Day 5: Functions

Intermediate Python (Lists & Dictionaries)

Python Basics

Python basics camp covers the basic building blocks of the language. This next level camp will cover the advanced level topics using hands-on examples.

Day 1: Review of basic Python structures
Day 2: Lists
Day 3: Dictionaries
Day 4: Combination of Lists & Dictionaries
Day 5: Introduction to NumPy