SS10 Term 1

Where we are going? Canada and Conflict - Specifically WW I, 1920s, 1930s and WW II

Term Projects: Story Telling and Legion Contest

Website to be used:

Oct 29, 2018 - Big WW1 next class - Wednesday Oct. 31

WW1 - Study Guide

  1. What started ww1
  2. Imperialism vs colonialism vs nationalism
  3. How Canada was involved in different battles
  4. How did taxes change because of ww1
  5. Which countries were in ww1 and who fought together
  6. What happened in Halifax
  7. Why did people sign up
  8. What happened when soldiers returned from the war
  9. What was the treaty called that ended the war and what was in it?
  10. How did women’s rights change because of the war
  11. What did Serbia say when Austria gave them the ultimatum
  12. What are the details of vimy ridge
  13. How many Canadian died in the war
  14. What was the Paris Peace Conference
  15. What was the League of Nations
  16. What were the fronts that were in France and what was the worst one
  17. What was the Germans plan called at the start of the war
  18. What style of warfare was used in ww1
  19. What was the front in Russia
  20. What was Russia’s big surprise in the war
  21. When was ww1
  22. What new technology was used in ww1
  23. What is ww1 also known as
  24. What was the conscription crisis and what did it affect
  25. How did the war change the relationship between Canada and Britain

Oct. 9 - 12, 2018 - More WW1 questions, Finsh watching Passchendaele, Work on assignment - WW1: Who was there and what was it like?

Oct. 1 - 5. 2018 - Work on WW1 questions, Watch the movie - Passchendaele

Sept 26, 2018 - Quiz on Domestic Conflicts. Start working on WW1

Sept 24, 2018 - Finish off Domestic posters, put up posters around the room, students to tour posters to find out about other conflicts and to see similarities between conflict.

Start work on World War 1

Sept 19, 2018 - Finish individual work on Domestic and International conflict exercise, get into groups with people who researched the same domestic topic, create a graphic organizer of topic as a group.

Sept. 17, 2018 - Work on Domestic and International conflict exercise on Chromebooks

Sept. 13, 2018 - Hand in Map of Canada, Do Map Quiz. Start working on Domestic and International conflict assignment

Sept 11, 2018 - Complete Map of Canada, Map quiz next class

Week 1 - Conflict - Global and regional conflicts have been a powerful force in shaping our contemporary world and identities. What are they?

Activity 1 - Complete a world map as it is today

Activity 2 - Conflict and Cooperations