Unless there's a better reason, I'm gonna favor the weapon description. Because looking at the strangler feat, I too got the impression that would be bare handed. A choke holder, or forearm wrap. Something other than a weapon.

I'm going to go against the grain here. Is there anything overpowered about him spending the feat to allow him to do sneak attacks with the garrote? It seems like he is wanting to play a concept that makes some sense, it doesn't break the game or make him super op, and it's a flavorful idea. I disagree with the "hey, if you want to rogue you have to do it with a dagger" approach.

Red Garrote Strangler

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or you can choose to see this other way:

garroting somebody requires a grapple check, and in every respect, the situation the two opponents find them in is like an unarmed grappling one. Now you can deal the garrote damage, plus as a swift action you can deal the sneak attack damage, is some other way. The feat doesn't actually say you need to strangle with your bare hands, and you do not need your hands free. For all we know a Strangler could use his feet.

I've got 20+ years of various martial arts behind me, including some grappling. Getting strangled with a cord, your shirt, a stick, or some odd doohickey someone's using as a watchband usually produces better results than even a good, unarmed, rear choke. A wire garrote also cuts while the other methods don't.

Add the "dan bong" weapon bonuses to the grapple as well. When you've got a loop of cord wrapped around someone's limb or neck its harder for them to get away, and the handles of the garrote can be used as dan bong, too.

One of my players has taken both the Strangler and Feint abilities. The novice level of feint means that attacks with short or precise weapons are always made at advantage. In order to use Strangler, you must attack at advantage. He was under the impression that since a garrote/rope must be a short or precise weapon, he would always be able to strangle in combat with this combo, since he would always be at advantage when attacking with a garrote. His impression was not completely unreasonable, because I had previously allowed him to attack with his garrote using Discreet in place of Accurate as per the Feint ability. I didn't see this later issue coming.

A garrote can be made of different materials, including ropes, cloth, cable ties, fishing lines, nylon, guitar strings, telephone cord or piano wire.[2][3][4] A stick may be used to tighten the garrote; the Spanish word refers to the stick itself.[5] In Spanish, the term may also refer to a rope and stick used to constrict a limb as a torture device.[2][6]

Since World War II, the garrote has been regularly employed as a weapon by soldiers as a silent means of killing sentries and other enemy personnel.[3][4] Instruction in the use of purpose-built and improvised garrottes is included in the training of many elite military units and special forces.[4] A typical military garrote consists of two wooden handles attached to a length of flexible wire; the wire is looped over a sentry's head and pulled taut in one motion.[3][4] Soldiers of the French Foreign Legion have used a particular type of double-loop garrote (referred to as la loupe), where a double coil of rope or cord is dropped around a victim's neck and then pulled taut. Even if the victim pulls on one of the coils, the other is tightened.[4]

Garrote-like assassination techniques were widely employed in 17th- and 18th-century India, particularly by the Thuggee cult.[2] Practitioners used a yellow silk or cloth scarf called a ruml.[2] The Indian version of the garrote frequently incorporates a knot at the center intended to aid in crushing the larynx, decreasing the communication capabilities of the victim, while someone applies pressure to the victim's back, usually using a foot or knee.

The garrote (Latin: laqueus) is known to have been used in the first century BC in Rome. It is referred to in accounts of the Second Catilinian Conspiracy, where conspirators including Publius Cornelius Lentulus Sura were strangled with a laqueus in the Tullianum, and the implement is shown in some early reliefs, e.g., Rpertoire de Reliefs grecs et romains, tome I, p. 341 (1919).[7] It was also used in the Middle Ages in Spain and Portugal. It was employed during the conquista of the Americas, notably in the execution of the Inca emperor Atahualpa.

It was intended as a more merciful form of execution than death by burning, where heretics who converted to Christianity after their conviction would receive a quick strangulation from the Spanish Inquisition. A later version of the garrote used an iron collar with a large metal screw in the back. The theory was that when the screw was tightened, it would crush the brain stem and kill the victim instantly. But if the screw missed the point where the brain meets the spinal column, it would simply bore into their neck while the iron collar strangled him.[8]

In Spain, the death penalty was abolished after a new constitution was adopted in 1978. The writer Camilo Jos Cela obtained a garrote (which had probably been used for the execution of Puig Antich) from the Consejo General del Poder Judicial to display at his foundation. The device was kept in storage in Barcelona. It was displayed in the room[10][11] that the Cela Foundation devoted to his novel La familia de Pascual Duarte until Puig Antich's family asked for its removal.[12]

Only the executioner assassin starts with proficiency with the garrote. However, the garrote is generally not useful in itself, with its use best appearing with the multiclass feat Garrote Training, or by selecting Red Scales as the executioner guild. [HoS:15]

In order to use the garrote, the user must roll against the Garrote skill, targeting the neck at -5 to hit (if the target is unaware, an All-Out Attack with +4 to hit will cancel most of this out). The victim gets a -3 roll to parry or ready their own weapon, with an additional -4 if they lack the Combat Reflexes advantage.

On the turn of the attack and every subsequent turn, roll a Quick Contest between the strangler's ST and the higher of the victim's ST or HT, with the strangler getting +3. On a success, the victim takes cutting damage equal to the margin of victory (x2 for cutting the neck) and suffocates. When suffocating, the victim loses 1 FP per second; at 0 FP, the victim falls unconscious.

sceptre is most setting appropriate. a garrote is not a viable deadfire weapon. point o' fact, it is not a viable weapon, period. as the self-proclaimed queen o' the gods, makes sense she would utilize "noble" weapons for priestly spiritual weapon. 'ccording to poe, such weapons include dagger, rapier, mace, rod and sceptre. is doubtful wael rod is replicated for woedica, which is too bad as rod is both a tool o' rulership and punishment; kinda ideal for a deity o' vengeance. am thinking any o' the remaining options from the noble list would be appropriate, but sceptre, more than rest, would fit with queen theme. rapier is a noble weapon, but such a sword evokes images o' swashbucklers and duelists, which the queen in exile most assuredly is not. from our pov, scepter or sceptre + dagger or mace make most sense.

A garrotte is a weapon, usually a handheld length of chain, rope, scarf, wire or fishing line used to strangle a person.[1] Garotte is normal British English spelling, with single 'r' as an alternate.[2] Garrote with a single 't' is US English spelling. A Spanish version is garrote vil.

The garrote has been used for centuries for silent assassination.[1] It was widely used in 17th and 18th century India by the Thuggee cult.[1] A garrote can be made out of many materials, including slik scarves, ropes, cable ties, fishing lines, nylon, and even guitar strings, telephone cord and piano wire.[1][3][4] The Indian version of the garrote often had a knot at the center to crush the larynx while applying pressure to the victim's back, usually by means of a foot or knee.

Since World War II the garrotte has been regularly used as a weapon by soldiers as a silent means of eliminating (taking out) sentries and other enemy personnel.[3][4] Instruction in the use of garrottes is in the training of many elite military units and special forces.[4] A typical military garrote consists of two wooden handles attached to a length of flexible wire; the wire is looped over a sentry's head and pulled taut in one motion.[3][4] Soldiers of the French Foreign Legion used a particular type of double-loop garrotte (referred to as la loupe), where a double coil of rope or cord is dropped around a victim's neck and then pulled taut. Even if the victim pulls on one of the coils, he only succeeds in tightening the other.[4]

The garrote was the main device used for capital punishment in Spain for hundreds of years. Originally, it was an execution where the convict was killed by hitting him with a club (garrote in Spanish). This later developed into a strangulation device, where the condemned was tied to a wooden stake, with a loop of rope placed around his neck. A wooden stick was placed in the loop, and by rotating the stick, the rope was tightened until the condemned person was strangled to death. As time went on, the execution method was modified in the form of a wooden chair to which the condemned was bound, while the executioner tightened a metal band around his/her neck with a crank or a wheel until asphyxiation of the condemned person was accomplished.

The last civilian executions in Spain by garrotting were in March 1974. Two men both convicted of killing police officers: they were the last state-sanctioned garrotings in Spain. In Spain, the garrote was abolished in 1978 along with the death penalty after adoption of a new constitution.

Carey, who in 2008 was sentenced to 20 years in prison for attempted murder after trying to garrote a former neighbor with a necktie a year earlier, is currently incarcerated at MCI Concord, a medium-security facility in the northeastern part of the state, Blodgett said. be457b7860

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