Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for HareKrishna Iskcon Guide App

At HareKrishna Iskcon Guide, we prioritize the privacy and security of our users' data. This privacy policy outlines how we handle user information and ensure its protection. Please read this policy carefully to understand our practices regarding your data.

 (a) Approximate Location Data: We may collect approximate location data for the sole purpose of delivering relevant content or improving the user experience. Your precise location is never collected.

(b) Firebase Analytics: We use Firebase Analytics to understand how users interact with our app. This helps us enhance your experience without identifying individual users.

(c)Admob Ads: Our app may display Admob ads. Please review Admob's Privacy Policy for information regarding data collection related to ads.

(d) Embedded YouTube Videos: If our app includes embedded YouTube videos, please refer to YouTube's Privacy Policy for data collection related to video usage.

2.4. Embedded YouTube Videos: If our app includes embedded YouTube videos, please refer to YouTube's Privacy Policy for data collection related to video usage. 

 How We Use Your Information

We use the information collected for:

This privacy policy is intended to provide a general overview of how we handle user data for the HareKrishna Iskcon guide. For more detailed and legally binding information, please refer to the actual privacy policy within the app.