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Racial inequity continues to plague America, yet many Whites still doubt the existence of racial advantages, limiting progress and cooperation. What happens when people are faced with evidence that their group benefits from privilege? We suggest such evidence will be threatening and that people will claim hardships to manage this threat. These claims of hardship allow individuals to deny that they personally benefit from privilege, while still accepting that group-level inequity exists. Experiments 1a and 1b show that Whites exposed to evidence of racial privilege claim to have suffered more personal life hardships than those not exposed to evidence of privilege. Experiment 2 shows that self-affirmation reverses the effect of exposure to evidence of privilege on hardship claims, implicating the motivated nature of hardship claims. Further, affirmed participants acknowledge more personal privilege, which is associated with increased support for inequity-reducing policies.

When I heard Annie was playing on Broadway I could not wait to re-live the moments again. I remember how Sarah Jessica Parker played Annie on stage when she was young and was anxious to see what talent was found to capture this larger than life role!

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Life is hard for a little moon. Epimetheus, seen here with Saturn in the background, is lumpy and misshapen, thanks in part to its size and formation process. Epimetheus did not form with all of those craters in place -- rather, bombardment over the eons has left this tiny moon's surface heavily pitted.

To return again to my reading in the life of Samuel Logan Brengle, I found deep encouragement and gaiety at what I found. At age 37 he was officially commissioned to travel the states preaching salvation and holiness. At the onset, he journaled:

Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. He came so that we could be free! It does not mean a life free of problems, challenges, heartache, or pain. It does mean we have a Healer, Comforter, Advocate, and someone who suffered beyond what we could bear or would even dare to bear. Many of us would bypass the cross for the pain of it was beyond our ability to handle. We have someone who will never leave or forsake us (Duet 31:6). We have someone who bottles our tears (Psalm 56:8). We have someone who is close to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18).

We have a greater life coming. A life with no sickness, no sorrow, no death, no fatigue, no evil, no sin, and we will be reunited with loved ones who died before us loving Christ. Jesus paid for a better ending! An ending that is unfathomable. He also paid for a better today. We have a friend for our time here on earth; to learn about Him, to be with Him, to become more like Him. He still heals, comforts, and provides in this life. He gave us the Holy Spirit so we have a Helper. He did not leave us powerless or without help.

God has prepared something great for you. It may not seem like it right now, but the best is yet to come! Hold fast to hope. This life is 100 years at the most, eternity is forever (no end). God is working things together for a blessed future for you and not just in eternity-here and now as well! You are deeply loved.

In your situation with all the sufferings, God is looking after you so well. If you have asked for Jesus in your life, then you maybe reborn, a new creature, with some worldly desires gone already or going and a continual process of purification happens by God. When we are reborn (converted or regenerated) then we are assured of eternal life.

Rugged West Plum Creek life demanded far more. Local Native American tribes had been neither satisfied nor quieted. Horse thieves and desperados roamed the area. To say that both bullets and arrows would often fly near the Kinner Ranch is not an exaggeration. Lizzie also did some refereeing, as bad blood existed between John and neighboring rancher, George Nickson. Fortunately, their wives were friends.

Not much research has been done in the Netherlands on the ways in which Dutch women experience and survive a prison sentence abroad. The research underlying the present article focused on Dutch female prisoners in foreign countries, using an ethnographic research method. The article looks at the prison experiences of Dutch mulas in Peru and their strategies of survival. The ways in which these women react to their detention can be traced back to existing literature on the importation theory and the deprivation theory. The article also examines the various coping strategies that are used to survive a prison sentence abroad. These strategies appear to be related both to the life experiences of the women (importation theory) and the experienced prison environment (deprivation theory).

Prison life in Peru is very different from life in a Dutch prison and Dutch inmates in Peru are faced with all sorts of problems that are usually non-existent in their own country. For instance, there is often a language barrier, most Dutch prisoners receive no visits from relatives, some prison officials may be corrupt, and standards of hygiene and privacy are often lower than in The Netherlands (Ministerie [15]). In short, the conditions in foreign prisons are likely to be tougher than those in prisons in The Netherlands. The present article aims to examine how Dutch women faced with such circumstances manage to endure their incarceration. This study was part of a larger research project on Dutch women incarcerated abroad.

As mentioned earlier, the manner in which prisoners deal with their sentence is determined by their particular life experiences as well as by the nature of the circumstances of their detention. Their choice of a particular coping strategy is likewise determined by importation and deprivation variables [24]. There appears to be a striking continuity between the coping strategies used by prisoners in their life prior to their detention and the coping strategies they resort to in prison [22]. Two prisoners can react totally differently to a lack of family contact. Whereas one prisoner, as a result of his or her character traits and experience of life, may seek out new social contacts within the prison walls, another may withdraw and fall into depression and apathy. Both are ways of coping, and both are determined by personal characteristics as well as by the specific deprivations imposed by the prison setting. The manner in which women survive a prison sentence is possibly partly dependent on the coping strategies they employ and the choice of a particular coping strategy is most likely influenced by prior life experiences as well as by prison conditions.

This article focuses on the question of how Dutch women imprisoned for drug smuggling in Peru experience and survive their detention, and will focus on the perception of Dutch women incarcerated in Peru on their prison experience and coping strategies. We track the lives of these women before their detention in light of the importation theory, because the response to a prison sentence and the choice of a particular survival strategy are possibly determined by prior life experiences. We also examine the conditions and hardships the women face in prison, as well as their ways of coping with these conditions. We will try to show how the coping strategies they use are possibly connected to their life experiences and to prison life in Peru. The results could perhaps be generalized to women from different origins, though it would depend on the similarity of the country they came from. Janssen [16] showed in her research that women from different countries, experience their time in prison in The Netherlands in different ways, due to culture and other importation variables. Furthermore, it should be noted that due to the small sample size, it may be difficult to draw conclusions that are generalizable to the larger population.

Peru has 66 prisons, run by the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE) and the National Police of Peru (PNP). In 2012 53.203 people were held in these prisons, of whom 3241 were women. Overpopulation existed as the prisons were built to keep 28.508 persons only [1]. According to Peruvian government statistics from 2012, the penal Santa Monica housed 1285 women, while it was only designed to accommodate 738 inmates [40]. It goes without saying that such overcrowding has a major impact on the life of all prisoners.

We conducted in-depth interviews because an open-ended method of data collection seemed best suited to answer our research questions. Guided by a list of topics, we asked the women about their life stories. These topics included (but are not confined to) educational and working careers, social contacts, criminal histories and prison experiences. Each respondent gave us her verbal consent to participate in the research. e24fc04721

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