What can I help you


Games are for playing for fun they are code in javascript we play games for fun.


Members of Happy Games are free you must be ages 10+ to get a membership if you break a law of inorproate you are supended till the next 5 years you can get free money by making a fourm.

H Games  Terms

So when you play read the steps to access the game remember so you can play a different game at all times make sure you follow the game rules when you play tic tac toe you need two players for the game code kids is an way for kids to use JavaScript and scratch blocks well memberships are free so if you want to be a member its in the bottom just put your email then go to your email and verfery the member good luck when you do the member do not tell anybody they will hack and take your identity stay safe enjoy when you get a membership you have to be 10+ get permission first.


All about hgames will be in the website go check out.