Reiki Treatments 

Reiki Classes

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Couples Reiki Treatments (or Reiki for Two) are the most popular service at Happie Soul Massage for those with relationships, friends, or family.  Relax together and experience energy healing like never before!


Several years ago, I was guided to begin offering combined Reiki sessions for friends and family to experience Reiki together. It became popular for individuals experiencing relationship difficulties. These combined Reiki sessions included couples in romantic/spousal/life partnerships, as well as those in other relationships, such as family, friendship, and even professional. Since then, it has been an honor and privilege to work with many clients in the context of a combined Reiki session.

It is well-known that the quality of our relationships in life is integral to our sense of wellbeing. We also know that relationships take many forms, including romantic, family, friendship, and professional, and that each type is susceptible to challenges and difficulties. Because of this, combined Reiki sessions are not limited to those of a romantic nature – all relationships can benefit from the loving energy of Reiki. In my practice, I conduct two types of combined sessions- Couples Reiki for romantic/spousal/life partners, and “Reiki for Two” for relationships such as parent and child, siblings, best friends, and so on. These sessions have allowed me to witness firsthand the remarkable effectiveness of Reiki in restoring harmony and balance to all types of relationships.

To further clarify, the difference between Couples Reiki and Reiki for Two is simply in the nature of the relationship. Couples Reiki enhances and supports the romantic, amorous relationships in our lives, such as lovers, life partners, spouses, and so on. On the other hand, Reiki for Two enhances and strengthens any other relationship – parent/child, friends, siblings, extended family members, and, in some cases, even coworkers. A Reiki for Two session is conducted in the same manner as a Couples Reiki session, and my intent is always the same – for deep healing and blessing of the individuals as well as the relationship. In a combined session, it is essential to remember that in any relationship, there are three entities – two individuals, and the relationship itself, which carries a unique energetic frequency and signature. A combined session with both individuals addresses their specific needs as well as the needs of the relationship, as it creates healthy bonds by releasing stagnant, unhealthy energies that may be impeding the relationship’s growth.


In my experience, Reiki for couples is a profoundly effective way to reconnect and deepen romantic relationships. The sheer relaxation of a Reiki session shared with a partner facilitates harmony and communication as it reduces stress. Couples Reiki strengthens an already stable connection, yet it can also re-kindle a spark that has grown dim. And, for those couples involved in traditional talk-therapy, the Reiki sessions are a valuable soothing complement as they work through issues in the relationship.

Many couples find that a combined Reiki session is a beautiful way to reconnect after being apart, such as career obligations, prolonged illness, family matters, or strife within the relationship. Also, experiencing the gift and blessing of Reiki together can help those who are dealing with loss, as it provides a safe outlet for emotional release. And, for those preparing to marry, Reiki helps to smooth the path to the wedding day, reminding them of their love and commitment to each other throughout the hectic, and sometimes argumentative, planning stage.

After the combined Reiki session, couples frequently report having a more harmonious connection with each other, and a more relaxed perspective toward the stresses and strains of everyday life.


Human relationships of any type are quite complex and often challenging, and familial bonds are among the thorniest. These include the parent and child dynamic, siblings, step-parents, step-siblings, as well as the extended family. Difficulties can arise because of differences in personality, values, lifestyle, and opinions. Significant life events, such as a new baby, a change in financial status, a severe physical illness/addiction, or a death in the family, can also trigger conflict and poor communication, leading to an erosion of the relationship. The loving energy and atmosphere of a Reiki session ease communication between the individuals, allowing for open and honest communication in a safe space. Remarkable healing has occurred in sessions with parents and their adult children, estranged siblings, and even contentious in-laws! Of course, because Reiki does not interfere with free will, each individual must be receptive and willing to work on the relationship for true healing to begin.

Friendships have also been repaired through the loving guidance and gentle energy of Reiki. In one example, two middle-aged women arrived for a session with the intent of re-establishing a close friendship, which they enjoyed for most of their lives. A few years prior, they had fallen out over a misunderstanding in which one erroneously thought the other was having an affair with her husband. Harsh words were exchanged, feelings were hurt, and communications ceased. After a few years of stony silence, one of the women realized how much she missed the friendship, and reached out with an offer of a combined Reiki treatment. During the session, the women were able to clear the energy of the misunderstanding and re-establish trust. To my knowledge, they remain fast friends to this day.



The session consists of one room, two tables, and one or two practitioners. The two tables are placed a few feet apart, but can be moved closer together so clients can hold hands if they would like. Relaxing music and soft lighting further enhance the ambiance and energy of the healing space. Before the clients’ arrival, the healing area is energetically cleared and cleansed with Reiki energy and symbols. The practitioners also clear themselves and set their intention for the deep healing and blessing of the individuals as well as the relationship. I also invite the assistance of our Reiki guides, the Ascended Masters, and the Archangels, especially Archangel Chamuel, the angel of relationship and reconciliation. An expression of gratitude is also offered for their comfort, guidance, support, and love.

Upon arrival, the practitioners and clients engage in a group discussion about each individual’s needs and goals for the session as well as those for the relationship. This pre-session discussion is always quite informative, and most clients are surprised to learn something new about each other during this time together.

The practitioners also provide a brief overview of Reiki and an explanation of how the session will proceed. The clients are encouraged to ask questions and voice any concerns they may have, which eases any concerns or anxiety of the clients and helps to create the safe space of healing.

When complete, the practitioner(s) move away from the individuals, face each other across the room as they stand between the tables, and then channel Reiki to the relationship, intending that it be blessed and healed in accordance with the Highest Good. As this is happening, the individuals continue to lie quietly on their tables as they experience the energy of the relationship receiving Reiki. After the treatment, they are allowed to remain for a few minutes in this peaceful healing environment before being gently roused.

The couple/individuals are given a few moments to return fully to the present, after which they are offered chocolate and Reiki-infused water to help ground them, as well as a bathroom break if needed. Afterward, the practitioners and clients spend some time in a post-session discussion, during which each individual describes their personal experiences. The conversation then moves into how it felt to experience the session as a couple or with a significant person, and how it felt when the relationship itself received Reiki. The practitioners also share their impressions during the experience and address any questions. To extend your session discuss an additional fee may be added.

Most participants describe feelings of being deeply loved and cared for, as well as being relaxed, yet energized, centered, and grounded. They are frequently emotional as the loving energy releases and clears trapped energy. Many also feel a distinct shift toward harmony and connection with the other individual, creating strong feelings of loving-kindness and caring, which sweep away petty and trivial concerns. One client stated that “the blinders have been removed.” Others have expressed awe at Reiki’s ability to provide clarity and insight. As a practitioner, I am deeply honored to share these transformational moments with clients. Because Reiki functions on a much higher level of consciousness, it provides a glimpse of our spiritual birthright and reminds us of the limitless potential within each one of us.

In working with clients and their relationships, I am always reminded that Reiki is truly a gift and a blessing. Creating stronger bonds with our loved ones is one of its most precious offerings.

Reiki Evolves

Cristina has been connecting with her guides (Jesus, Mary Magdala and St. Michael), most of the Ascended Masters (known by the color and shape of their Auras), and Galactic beings for over 20 years. Open to healing and helping others, Cristina has been guided to expand her Reiki healing and to create the MATRIX OF MACROCOSM®. This is a powerful healing and includes healing the current being, past lives, and more. This can be done as a Distance Healing session. Click an image below for more information.

MATRIX OF MACROCOSM® by Cristina L. Dunbar - click image

Our Souls are Waiting to Evolve - The Happie Shaman

The spiritual healing art of Reiki works by channeling positive energy into your body, with Reiki masters and practitioners typically placing their hands on the affected areas of the body that need a boost, offering this energy and your body takes in the energy where most needed.

Though some clients use Reiki to strengthen their spiritual beliefs, Reiki is not a religion, it is simply healing. The best part is, a person does not have to "believe" in Reiki for it to work. Many people enjoy the peace and relaxation of a Reiki treatment. Reiki aids in reducing stress and anxiety, allowing the client to raise their vibration (frequency) and live a more harmonious life.

Reiki helps to heal the ego and release the culturally-created self allowing one to live authentically. These deeply healing treatments can cause emotional releases either during a treatment or after. Each person is different so their release may vary as to the type of emotion, or even a physical release such as headache, stomach ache, or even nausea.

Clients treated range from high stress job/lifestyle, to cancer patients, those seeking aid in releasing chronic migraines and/or joint/muscle pains. I have also assisted clients of addiction, self-harm, weight-loss, lack of focus, depression and more.

Reiki is the life energy in each of us and around us. Everyone has the ability to learn and use this energy to promote self-healing, and to help heal others.

Use Reiki for healing mind and body as well as soul. 

Use Reiki for Manifestation of goals.

Send Reiki to past times for current healing.

Animals also love Reiki!

Click HERE for information about The Happie Shaman

Click image for Other Forms of Energy Healing

Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki®  are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.Descriptions of Reiki I&II, Master and Karuna Reiki® as described directly by The International Center for Reiki Training.MATRIX OF MACROCOSM®  is the registered service mark of Cristina L. Dunbar

Reiki Master Teacher

Cristina L. Dunbar


Cristina L. Dunbar is a natural healer, Intuitive Psychic Medium, Reiki Master Teacher and gifted Massage Therapist. She takes her time to get to know each client and develops a treatment plan specific to their needs. 

Cristina has completed several courses in Reiki leading to 3 Master Teacher levels. She enjoys teaching Reiki to others and helping people learn all the techniques they need for self healing, as well as healing others. Following a lineage back to Japan the International Center of Reiki Training (ICRT), of which she is a Member, has developed classes that are easy to follow and provide powerful healing. Classes taught: Usui/Holy Fire III (I/II and Master/Master Teacher) , Holy Fire III/Karuna Reiki Master/Master Teacher, and MATRIX OF MACROCOSM®  which she developed July 2019.

Cristina is also an Intuitive Psychic. Cristina uses Tarot cards to open the session then utilizes her gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and claircognizance for a personal reading for her clients.

*Tarot and any Reading is for entertainment purposes only.

Happie Soul's Reiki is an extension of Happie Soul Wellness®  . Bookings and events will be held at 5000 Lenker Street Suite 103, Mechanicsburg, PA unless otherwise noted. All policies of Happie Soul Wellness® applies. Click HERE for policies. 

Phone: 1-717-254-7250 
