HaoYu Wang


I will be joining the Department of Computer Science at SUNY Albany as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Fall 2024.

[Recruiting PhDs and Interns]: I am seeking students for Ph.D. in 25 Fall or research intern roles. Please email me with your CV and brief descriptions of your preferred research topics. Kindly mark the subject with [PhD/Research Intern Application].

I am currently a final year Ph.D. student under the advisory of Prof. Jing Gao in School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University. I got my B.Eng. degree from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China under the advisory of  Prof. Defu Lian, and got my MS degree from SUNY Buffalo

My research interests lie in the intersection of data mining, natural language processing, and machine learning, with a strong focus on democratizing AI for broader accessibility. In particular, my research projects are: