Haohua Deng(邓昊骅)'s HomePage

(photo taken by Chun-Hsien Hsu)

Hello, My name is Haohua Deng. I am currently an Elliott Assistant Research Professor at Duke University. My mentor is Colleen Robles

I completed my Ph.D. in Mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis in 2022. My Ph.D. advisor is Matt Kerr.

My research interest is Hodge theory, algebraic & arithmetic geometry, and representation theory

More precisely, I have been investigating properties of period domains and Mumford-Tate domains, period maps and their completions. I also enjoy studying applications of Hodge theory on many topics in algebraic geometry, especially moduli theory and singularity theory.

Here is my CV.


120 Science Drive

117 Physics Building

Campus Box 90320

Durham, NC 27708-0320

Email: edu duke haohua.deng  (Rearrange and insert "at" and "dot" at proper places)