
Selected Papers

Hao Yin, Erin McDuffie, Randall Martin, Michael Brauer, Global Health Cost of Ambient PM2.5 from Combustion Sources: Implications for Air Pollution Control Strategies. Lancet Planetary Health, accepted, 2024.

Yida Sun, Shupeng Zhu, Daoping Wang, Jianping Duan, Hui Lu, Hao Yin, Chang Tan, Lingrui Zhang, Mengzhen Zhao, Wenjia Cai, Yong Wang, Yixin Hu, Shu Tao & Dabo Guan, Global supply chains amplify economic costs of future extreme heat risk, Nature, 627, 2024

Hao Y., Sharma, B., Hu, H., Liu, F., Kaur, Cohen, G., McConnell, R., Eckel, S., Predicting the Climate Impact of Healthcare Facilities Using Gradient Boosting Machine. Cleaner Environmental Systems, 100155, 2023.

Xie Yi, Huimin Li, Jingshu Liu, Lefei Han, Xiaoxi Zhang, Xiaonong Zhou, Xiaokui Guo, Leshan Xiu, Hao Yin*, and Kun Yin*. The Climate Change Impacts and Responses Index: Quantifying Disparities and Guiding Policies for Collective Resilience. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology (2023): 1-24.

Courtney Howard, Andrea J. MacNeill, Fintan Hughes, Lujain Alqodmani, Kate Charlesworth, Roberto de Almeida, Roger Harris, Bruno Jochum, Edward Maibach, Lwando Maki, Forbes McGain, Jeni Miller, Monica Nirmala, David Pencheon, Scott Robertson, Jodi D. Sherman, Joe Vipond, Hao Yin, Hugh Montgomery, Learning to Treat the Climate Emergency Together: Social Tipping Interventions by the Health Community, Lancet Planetary Health, 2023.

Chenxi Lu, Shaohui Zhang, Chang Tan, Yun Li, Zhu Liu, Karyn Morrissey, W Neil Adger, Taochun Sun, Hao Yin and Jiahong Guo, Reduced Health Burden and Economic Benefits of Cleaner Fuel Usage From Household Energy Consumption across Rural and Urban China, Environmental Research Letters, 17(1), 2022.

Howard Hu, Gary Cohen, Bhavna Sharma, Hao Yin, and Rob McConnell, Sustainability in Health Care, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 47, 2022.

Chenxi Lu, W. Neil Adger, Karyn Morrissey, Shaohui Zhang, Zhu Liu, Sergey Venevsky, Hao Yin, Scenarios of Demographic Distributional Aspects of Health Co-Benefits From Decarbonizing Urban Transport, Lancet Planetary Health, 6 (06), 2022.

Md Mostafijur Rahman, Rob McConnell, Hannah Schlaerth, Joseph Ko, Sam Silva, Frederick W. Lurmann, Lawrence Palinkas; Jill Johnston, Michael Hurlburt, Hao Yin, George Ban-Weiss, and Erika Garcia, The Effects of Co-Exposure to Extremes of Heat And Particulate Air Pollution on Mortality in California: An Implication for Climate Change, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2022.

Qin Wan, Zhangying Tang, Jay Pan, Mingyu Xie, Shaobin Wang, Hao Yin, Junming Li, Xin Liu, Yang Yang, Chao Song, Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity in Associations of National Population Ageing with Socioeconomic and Environmental Factors at the Global Scale, Journal of Cleaner Production, 373 (1), 2022.

Hao Yin, Michael Brauer, Junfeng (Jim) Zhang, Daniel M. Kammen, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber et al., Population Ageing And Deaths attributable to Ambient PM2.5 Pollution: A Global Analysis of Economic Cost, Lancet Planetary Health, 5(6), e356-e367, 2021.

Erin McDuffie, Randall V Martin, Hao Yin, Michael Brauer, Global Burden of Disease from Major Air Pollution Sources (GBD MAPS): A Global Approach, Health Effects Institute, 2021.

Jun Liu, Hao Yin (co-first author), Xiao Tang, Tong Zhu, et al. Transition in Air Pollution, Disease Burden and Health Cost in China: A Comparative Study of Long-term and Short-term Exposure, Environmental Pollution, 2021 277, 116770.

Hao Yin, Massimo Pizzol, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Linyu Xu, Contingent Valuation of Health and Mood Impacts of PM2.5 in Beijing, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2018 630, 1269-1282.

Hao Yin, Massimo Pizzol, Linyu Xu, External Costs of PM2.5 Pollution in Beijing, China: Uncertainty Analysis of Multiple Health Impacts and Costs, Environmental Pollution, 2017 226, 356-369.

Hao Yin, Linyu Xu, Yanpeng Cai, Monetary Valuation of PM10-Related Health Risks in Beijing China: The Necessity for PM10 Pollution Indemnity, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2015, 12(11), 9967-9987.

Yang Yang, Liwen Luo, Chao Song, Hao Yin, and Jintao Yang, Spatiotemporal Assessment of PM2.5-Related Economic Losses from Health Impacts during 2014-2016 in China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15(6), 1278-1294.

Linyu Xu, Hao Yin, Xiaodong Xie, Health Risk Analysis of Inhalable Particulate Matter in Beijing based on the Thermal Environment, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014, 11(12), 12368-12388.

Linyu Xu, Hao Yin, Zhaoxue Li, Shun Li, Urban Land Ecological Security Evaluation of Guangzhou, China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014, 11(10), 10537-10558.


Linyu Xu, Fengqin Jiang, Hao Yin et al., Urban Ecological Risk Assessment and Management, 2017, Science Press (in Chinese).

Working papers