Boston University

Questrom School of Business

595 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215


Curriculum Vitae 


Stochastic Control and its applications in Mathematical Finance and Financial Economics

Working paper

We consider a rationally inattentive decision-maker who is ambiguity averse with respect to his prior belief over the possible states of the world. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the robust solution and develop numerical methods to solve it. In comparison to the rational solution with no prior uncertainty, our decision-maker slants priors in more cautious or pessimistic directions when deducing how to allocate attention over the range of available information.  We explore some examples that show how the robust solution differs from the rational solution with a commitment to a subjective prior distribution and how it differs from imposing risk aversion. 

Best paper award in sustainable finance and ESG, World Finance Conference 2024

We examine optimal dynamic contracts when the firm's production generates harmful pollution undermining its productivity. The optimal contract rewards for financial performance and penalizes pollution. The combination of both contract sensitivities incentivizes the agent's effort and environmental (pollution abating) investment. In an economy with a continuum of polluting firms, contracting on firm pollution improves the welfare of the principal and the agent. Calibrating the model to the U.S. economy, we show that the aggregated pollution is reduced by 38.4% if all firms contract on their own pollution.

We reveal and study a new empirical fact: Executive and skilled labor pay is increasing in firm process intensity (the fraction of intangibles used to improve the efficiency of the firm). We rationalize this fact in a dynamic principal-agent model. The optimal contract reveals a direct and indirect effect of process intensity on compensation. We verify these effects in the data. In our baseline specification, a one standard deviation increase in process intensity is associated with an 8% increase in executive pay and a 3% increase in skilled labor wages relative to industry peers. 

We study aversion to model ambiguity and misspecification in dynamic portfolio choice. Investors with relative risk aversion gamma > 1 fear return persistence, while risk-tolerant investors (0 < gamma < 1) fear return mean reversion, to confront model misspecification concerns when facing a model with IID returns.  Our model can explain evidence for the experience hypothesis, for nonparticipation in equity markets, as well as for extrapolative return expectations. 

Best paper in Corporate Finance, Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting 2023

A firm's policy for cash holdings balances the motives for investment and precautionary savings. The relative importance of these motives changes as a firm's size changes. 

Heterogeneous learning abilities among consumers introduce inefficiency to competitive online product markets. Inefficiency emerges due to a learning externality generated by consumers with inferior learning ability.


Forthcoming in Journal of Financial Economics

Dynamic sentiment arise endogenously due to agents’ attitude toward alternative models. Distorted beliefs generate countercyclical risk aversion, procyclical portfolio weights, countercyclical equilibrium asset returns, and excess volatility.


Economic Theory, 77: 597-652, 2024

The following package provides an efficient algorithm to solve multiple states and long horizon dynamic discrete choice problem [Package]

Journal of Finance, 79(2): 1405-1455, 2024

Management Science, 69(8): 4953-4971, 2023

Annals of Applied Probability,  32(5): 3492-3536, 2022

Stochastic Analysis, Filtering, and Stochastic Optimization: A Commemorative Volume to Honor Mark H. A. Davis's Contributions, 267-292, 2022, [Publisher version] 

Risk Magazine, cutting edge session, 2019, [Journal] [Extended version] [Presentation] 

Journal of Economic Theory, 173:142-180, 2018. [SSRN]

Annals of Probability, 46(1):491-550, 2018. [Arxiv] [Presentation]

Mathematical Finance, 28: 991-1019, 2018. [SSRN] 

Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B), 53(4):1528-1547, 2017. [Arxiv] 

Finance and Stochastics, 21(1):227-262, 2017. [SSRN] 

SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 8:400-434, 2017. [Arxiv]

Mathematical Finance, 27:38-67,2017. [Arxiv]

Mathematical Finance, 27:3-37, 2017. [SSRN]

SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 6(1):242-280, 2015. [Arxiv]

SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53(1):185-212, 2015. [Arxiv]

Finance and Stochastics, 18(1):75-114, 2014. [Arxiv]

Electronic Journal of Probability, 18:26, 2013. [Arxiv]

Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 122(8):2961-2993, 2012. [Arxiv]

SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 50(3):1337-1357, 2012. [Arxiv]

Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 122:2265-2291, 2012. [Arxiv]

SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 3:351-373, 2012. [Arxiv]

Finance and Stochastics, 16:275-291, 2012. [Arxiv]

Mathematical Finance, 21(1):117-143, 2011. [Arxiv]

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 138(6): 2061-2064, 2010. [Arxiv]

SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 41(2): 825-860, 2009. [Arxiv]

Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 70(3): 505-525, 2009. [Arxiv]

Proceeding of the Fourth IASTED International Conference on Financial Engineering and Applications, 2007.


Welcome applications to 

Fundamentals of Finance MF702 

Fixed Income Securities MF728

Portfolio Theory MF730

Advanced Machine Learning Applications for Finance MF815

Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading MF821