Hans Taagen | Composer | Producer | Sound engineer

Hello! I am Hans. 

I am an artist in the Denver area. Music is my whole world and I love to create with a world of sounds.  With many instruments and peace's of music tech in my arsenal of skill, I want to help those who seek musical support to achieve the sound they are looking for.  My musical tastes span from alt-rock to electronic pop to hip-hop, but I have worked with all kinds of genres. This has been a large focus in my work since my formative years when I started, but I hope to get to work with many other forms of music that is out there. 

I am currently finishing up my last few semesters at University of Colorado at Denver for my BS Recording Arts degree. I am currently working on a film score for my capstone project  and hope to add this to my portfolio. 

Thank you for visiting my website :)


My Work 

'Every Last Breath' is a short film project written and directed by CU Denver Junior student Leonardo Gomez. I had the opportunity to write the score for the film after the producer Ryan Wardak reached out to me for help and I am proud to say this was my first score and I had a lot of fun learning about film scoring.

In the film, the director wanted to achieve a very somber sound that flowed in parallel with Thanatos', the main character, internal turmoil. The instrument was an array of orchestral string and a small French horn section, as well as two synth keyboards and a piano. I began this project by deciding on a melody that would co exist with his on screen struggles. As the film comes to an end the score takes a small uplift into a brighter tone as Thanatos' tangled emotions cease to strain him any longer. 

I hope you enjoy watching 'Every Last Breath'  on December 31st 2024. Streaming platforms TBD

Band Camp

For any work relating to my pop/Hip-Hop music I will be posting that here. Click the artwork to check out some of my work!

Contact Me Today!

 Email: htaagen@gmail.com

Phone: (970)390-6980