"This frail vessel thou emptiest again and again, and fillest it ever with fresh life." ―R. Tagore

Some of the stuff I can refresh my mind with.

Painting. I express my thoughts and emotions with my paintings as a means of meditation. Here are some of my favorites.

Photography. Starting with iPhone photography, one day I aspire to be a paid photographer. Check out my Instagram.

Korean Language. I love our beautiful language. I have been on a Korean language quiz show two times in 2019 (4th place) and 2022 (2nd place!). Aired on Korean national television (KBS1). I aim for the Korean Master title!

Book Club. I am a member of a book club called "Sogul (소굴)". Check out our Page (it's in Korean).

Sports. There are so many: basketball, baseball, badminton, tennis, table tennis, bowling, swimming, riding my bike, hiking, etc. I choose what's available at the moment.