Hansol Yoon

Researcher at Yonsei University

Hello! My name is Hansol Yoon. My research aims to see and impact beyond barriers. Optics and ultrasonics as well as signal processing have served as fascinating tools to this end. I seek to discover more of their capabilities.

See the unseen & Impact beyond barriers

I am currently a researcher at the Optical Imaging Systems Lab in the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Yonsei University. I am developing computational imaging techniques with Prof. Seung Ah Lee. Until recently, as an optical engineer, I worked with Prof. YongKeun Park at KAIST Physics and developed algorithms for commercial holotomography systems at Tomocube. Before that, I worked on developing pulsed-laser techniques to advance additive manufacturing with Prof. Hoon Sohn at KAIST CEE.

I received my B.S. (2018, summa cum laude) and M.S. (2020) in Electronic Engineering from Sogang University. For my M.S., I was advised by Prof. Tai-Kyong Song at the Signal Processing Systems Lab. I led a wide range of projects in the field of medical ultrasound requiring a flexible skill set in signal processing. As an undergraduate, I was a research intern advised by Dr. Sungwook Yang at the Center for BioMicrosystems in the Brain Science Institute at KIST, where I practiced my abilities as an electronic engineer in the biomedical field.

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