Writing Samples
Samples of Published Work
Samples of Published Work
OnStage Blog
OnStage Blog
Blog Writing (Click each link to see published work)
Sample of Acting 101 Coursebook
Sample of Acting 101 Coursebook
Acting 101
Acting 101
Educational Coursebooks
Here is an example of a Performing Arts Center that wanted courses written for their Acting classes. I wrote all coursebooks from scratch.
I did all the research and each booklet was between 60-120 pages per coursebook.
In addition to the student coursebooks, I also wrote instructor manuals to help the instructors with teaching the actual course.
I have written 7 different coursebooks:
Acting 101
Acting 201
Junior Theatre Production
Dramatic Theatre Production
Backstage Technical Theatre
Theatre Production
Please see the below example of Acting 101
A snippet of the "Acting Intro 101" Coursebook
A snippet of the "Acting Intro 101" Coursebook
(Please send me an email if you would like to view a full copy of any of these coursebooks)