...It’s all started when

Our friendship and conversations led to this co-operation, giving rise to the idea of creating a complex visual experience for the visitors. We met when we were studying at Bezalel Academy of Arts in Jerusalem. Each one of us uses different materials in our works, Hanna paints with oil on canvas, and Niv creates videos, photographs and installations. We both portray unconventional points of view in our work, points of view which shed new light on what is hidden or out of sight. In her paintings Hanna depicts scenes of tracking/spying, of an eye which peeks to the most private of places, whereas Niv invites his viewers to glimpse within his works into a fictional reality, where past and present co-exist.

Niv Fridman

I am a multidisciplinary artist, Graduate of Bezalel Academy in 2019. My artistic practice combines meticulous historical research with the artistic freedom to weave imaginary stories and to plant/reveal gay and queer motifs hidden beneath the surface. In the works there is a reference to the concept of disguise, as I embodies the historical figures that he so carefully researched as well as creates their details at every stage of the process, from sewing the costumes to writing the texts, editing and post production. The action of disguise sheds new light on archival documents and raises questions about the heterosexual point of view and the manner in which it shapes history. In my works I challenge the accepted differentiations between truth and fiction, past and present, reality and imagination.

Hanna Ilievsky

I am a painter, Graduate of Bezalel Academy in 2020. Voyeurism, lack of privacy in different spaces, and tracking/spying are the keywords which guide me within the creative process. A few years ago I went through an experience which scarred me emotionally, and finding ways to cope with it artistically and intellectually has been giving me strength and influencing my work until this very day. In my paintings I deal with issues concerning the generality of the human experience in contemporary reality. In this reality, the lines between the private and the public are blurred and the personal and public spaces are exposed, for everyone to see. My works are an attempt to raise awareness to this problematic issue through a reenactment of such unpleasant situations, and to evoke curiosity among the viewers as well.