Curriculum Vitae

CV pdf


2020 .08- 2023.12:  Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics, Boise State University,  Boise,  U.S.

Advisor: Dr. Qifei Niu

Co-advisor: Dr. Alejandro Flores, Dr. Dylan Mikesell,  Dr. Jodi Mead

2023.04 - 2023.06 Visiting student, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Advisor: Dr. Chi Zhang

2022.08 - 2023.12  Visiting student, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  Berkeley,  U.S.

Advisor: Dr. Yuxin Wu

2016.09 - 2020.06: Bachelor of Science in Geophysics, Central South University, Changsha, China.

Advisor: Dr. Rongwen Guo


2024.02 : Postdoc,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  Berkeley,  U.S.

2023.08 - 2023.12: Teaching assistant, Boise State University,  Boise,  U.S.

2023.06 - 2023.08  Intern, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  Berkeley,  U.S.

2022.06 - 2022.08  Intern, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  Berkeley,  U.S.

2020.08 - 2023.08: Research assistant, Boise State University,  Boise,  U.S.

2018 - 2020: Undergraduate research assistant, Central South University, Changsha, China.

Research Interests

Scholarships and Grants

Journal Publications

Chen, H., Niu, Q., McNamara, J. P., & Flores, A. N.(2024).Influence of subsurface critical zone structure on hydrological partitioning in mountainous headwater catchments. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL106964.

Chen, H., Niu, Q., Mendieta, A., Bradford, J., & McNamara, J. (2023). Geophysics‐Informed Hydrologic Modeling of a Mountain Headwater Catchment for Studying Hydrological Partitioning in the Critical Zone. Water Resources Research, 59(12), e2023WR035280.

GUO Rongwen, TONG Wanqing, LIU Jianxin, WANG Yongfei, YIN Zihui and CHEN Hang*. Research of a new algorithm on denoising frequency domain magnetotelluric data based on morphological clustering[J]. Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology), 2023, 54(10): 3937-3948. 

Chen, H. and Niu, Q., 2022. Improving moisture content estimation from field resistivity measurements with subsurface structure information. Journal of Hydrology, p.128343.

Chen, H. Exploring subsurface hydrology with electrical resistivity tomography. Nat Rev Earth Environ (2022).

Chen, H. and Niu, Q., 2021. Effects of material texture and packing density on the interfacial polarization of granular soils. Geophysics, 86(6), pp.1-58. pdf

Chen, H., Guo, R., Dong, H., Wang, Y. and Li, J., 2020. Comparison of stable maximum likelihood estimator with traditional robust estimator in magnetotelluric impedance estimation. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 177, p.104046. pdf

Li, J., Liu, J., Guo, R., Liu, R., Wang, Y. and Chen, H., 2022. Extension of the regularization technique to controlled-source electromagnetic modeling in general anisotropic conductivity media. Geophysics, 87(4), pp.1-43.

Guo, R., Wang, Y., Egbert, G.D., Liu, J., Liu, R., Pan, K., Li, J. and Chen, H., 2022. An efficient multigrid solver based on a 4-color cell-block Gauss-Seidel smoother for 3D Magnetotelluric forward modeling. Geophysics, 87(3), pp.1-56.

Li, J., Liu, J., Xue, J., Guo, R., Chen, H. and Liu, R., 2022. A Feasibility Study of CSEM in Geological Advance Forecast with Horizontal Casing Well. Minerals, 12(5), p.638.

Zeng, L., Li, J., Liu, J., Guo, R., Chen, H. and Liu, R., 2021. Efficient Filter Generation Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. IEEE Access, 9, pp.22816-22823. pdf

Wang Y F, Liu J X, Guo R W, Liu R, Li J, Chen H, Yang G Q. Efficient three-dimensional magnetotelluric forward modeling based on a geometric multigrid preconditioner. Chinese J, Geophys. (in chinese), 2022, 65(5): 1839-1852, doi:10.6038/cjg2022P0110.

J. Xie, Y. Cui, R. Guo, H. Chen, Y. Guo,  Y. Luo, and J. Liu., 2021 A Deep learning algorithm for locating contaminant plumes from self-potential data: a laboratory perspective. Water Resource Research (submitted). codes


Chen Hang, Guo Rongwen, Liu Jianxin. A method for estimating magnetotelluric impedance [P]. Hunan: CN111273367B,2021-01-08.

Chen Hang, Guo Rongwen. A new magnetic dipole inversion method. (submitted)


Programming: Python, Matlab, Fortran, C++

Deep learning framework: Pytorch and TensorFlow

Graphing and editing software:  Latex, GMT,  Veusz, Photoshop,  Office suit, Mayavi, Paraview

Others: COMSOL, Parallel computing, GPU computing, Git


IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing


Journal of Mountain Science


SEG Annual Meeting

Conference and Presentations

Hang Chen, Chunwei Chou, Sharon E Borglin, Chun Chang, Timothy J Kneafsey, Seiji Nakagawa, Liange Zheng, Jens Birkholzer and Yuxin Wu, The quantitative studies of time-lapse electrical resistivity data for characterizing coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical processes in bentonite, In AGU Fall Meeting 2022. AGU At: Chicago, IL. (Oral)

Chen, H. and Niu, Q., 2022, December, Improving dynamic moisture content estimation from time-lapse resistivity data with structural information, In AGU Fall Meeting 2022. AGU At: Chicago, IL. (Poster)

Chen, H. and Niu, Q., 2022, June, Improving Catchment Hydrologic Modeling by Incorporating Structural Information from Geophysical Imaging, AGU Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting 2022, San Juan, Puerto Rico (Poster)

Chen, H. and Niu, Q., 2021, December. Influence of subsurface heterogeneity on critical zone characterizations with electrical resistivity and seismic refraction tomography. In Sixth International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, Virtual, 25–28 October 2021 (pp. 213-216). Society of Exploration Geophysicists. pdf (Oral)

Chen, H. and Niu, Q., 2021, Noverber. Improving subsurface characterization with sequential inversion of multiple geophysical datasets. RemPlex Global Summit at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. (Oral)


Chen, H. and Niu, Q., Influence of the Interfacial Polarization on Electrical Properties of Granular Materials. In AGU Fall Meeting 2020. AGU.(Poster)

Chen, H., Guo, R., Liu, J., Wang, Y. and Lin, R., 2020, January. Magnetotelluric data denoising with recurrent neural network. In SEG 2019 Workshop: Mathematical Geophysics, Beijing, China, 5-7 November 2019 (pp. 116-118). Society of Exploration Geophysicists. pdf (Poster)

Chen, H., Guo, R, Liu, J. (2018). Statistic properties for impedance estimation of MT data with noise distributions using the robust method. The 8th international conference on environmental and engineering geophysics.  (Oral)

Niu, Q. and Chen, H., 2021, December. Evolution of complex conductivity of granular materials during shearing: insights from pore-scale simulations. In AGU Fall Meeting 2021. AGU At: New Orleans, Louisiana. (Poster)

Institutional Services

06/2022-06/2023 DEI (Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity) chair in Geoscience Graduate Organization at Boise State University

12/2021 Vice-president in Boise State SEG student chapter

10/2021  The student volunteer in GSA Connects 2021 At Portland, Oregon.

12/2022-now European Geosciences Union student membership

06/2021-now The Society of Exploration Geophysicists student member

02/2020-now The Geological Society of America student member

08/2020-now American Geophysical Society (AGU) student member

06/2018-06/2019 European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) student member

9/2018-8/2019 Cochairman of School of Geosciences and Info-Physics Student Union

09/2018-08/2019 Class tutor assistant of Geophysical class 1913

09/2018-08/2019 Class tutor assistant of Geophysical class 1801

03/2017-06/2018 Assistant of School of Geosciences and Info-Physics Student Work Oce

09/2016-09/2017 Class Monitor of Geophysics Class 1601

Training Workshops

09/2021 "Ground-Penetrating Radar—Principles, Practice, and Processing" by Greg Johnston 


06/2019 EAGE EET 11: ”Gravity and Magnetic Methods for Oil & Gas and Mineral Exploration and Production” by Dr. Yaoguo Li.

08/2018 3rd HIT International Summer School on Artificial Intelligence

08/2018 Artificial intelligence development and application international BBS


06/2020 Outstanding Graduate of Hunan Province, China

06/2020 First-class Outstanding graduation thesis of Central South University

06/2020 Outstanding graduate of Central South University

04/2019 The Excellent student pacesetter of Central South University

06/2019 Excellent Summer School Camper of School of Physics, Peking University, China

04/2019 Top Ten Excellent University Students of Central South University

01/2019 The Annual Persons Nomination Award of Central South University

06/2018 8th International conference on environmental and engineering geophysics Excellent Student Presenter

06/2018 Top Ten Excellent teaching assistants of Central South University

12/2017 The Outstanding Student in 2016-2017 Academic Year of CSU