Haneen Algethami

BSc, MSc, PhD

Assistant Professor in Computer Science.  

"Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes."

 Edsger Dijkstra

FELLOW of The Higher Education Academy

Under the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education.

Research interests

My research interests are intelligent decision systems for real-world applications, in particular solving combinatorial problems while using problem-solving methods such as search algorithms and optimisation techniques such as evolutionary algorithms and hyper-heuristics.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

For CS  capstone project, please review future project ideas 

Contact me

hmgethami@tu.edu.sa , haneen.algethami@ieee.org 

Room 211, Second floor, Building No. 7,  

School of Computer Science, 

Faculty of computer science and information technology

Taif University,

 Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966 12 727 2020 Ext: 2429