North American Overall Severe Weather Forecast *Always check local.

 today's, Saturday, May 11, 2024, forecast for organized severe thunderstorms over the contiguous United States. Please read the description of the risk categories for further information. You may find the latest Day 1 Outlook available as well as all Outlooks issued today online. 

tomorrow's Sunday, May 12, 2024,  forecast for organized severe thunderstorms over the contiguous United States. Please read the description of the risk categories for further information. The latest Day 2 Outlook is available as well as all Outlooks that have been issued today. 

Day 3 Outlook 

This is the day 4-8 forecast for organized severe thunderstorms over the contiguous United States. The latest Day 4-8 Outlook is available as well as all Outlooks that have been issued today. Note: A severe weather area depicted in the Day 4-8 period indicates a 30% or higher probability for severe thunderstorms (e.g. a 30% chance that a severe thunderstorm will occur within 25 miles of any point). 

I don't recommend ANY particular AM/AUTO ON WEATHER BAND RADIO (at this time.) It should not cost you more then $50. The batteries should be common to keep extra in your car, bug out bag, home/shelter. It should be rugged enough to rely on AND USE even not in an emergency.  You want to get USED TO TAKING THIS WITH YOU! Not the internet, not even your mobile phone can beat this inexpensive device that can save your life. Now, your kids and loved ones should have one as well right?  @site_alpha 

NOV 2024

Let's here these word's again, "You're fired!"

GM and other X material are is selected, frankly much as it apears on the the "Pond list I created from the Mega List X kept of ripping apart. I just currate what seems to go together each day. Sorry, not everything can fit. There is so many great GM's. GM.GM! I sometimes interject my opinions or what seems to be the gerneral feeling of the community or will post stories news, opinions of others. If there is something yuo want to post,, DM me on X. PLEASE GIVE ME AS MUCH TIME AS YOU CAN TO REVIEW AND POST. REALY DM ME @$/7. I will respond when I can. Site design  by - @ site_alpa.  Please Bookmark: SITE SPONSORSHIP PARTNERSHIP PLEASE OPPORTUNITIES DM HANDY.