Goal of a Project

Encouraging children to do activities that increase hand skills and movement in nature.

Guiding Thought

What I hear - I forget.

What I see - I remember.

What I do - I understand.

Logo of the project

Partner countries








In a pandemic situation, many resources that strengthen the psychological resilience of students and make it easier to face life's challenges are less available, namely: absence of fieldwork, extracurricular activities, teamwork, connection with others, strengthening one's own strength through sports, movement, work activities. The fact is that children are more exposed to digital content, except in class, even more exposed to recreational content at home. Children are dominated by a sedentary lifestyle, typing on mobile phones and tablets, moving away from nature, the environment and a healthy lifestyle. The consequence is poorer graphomotor skills of students, illegible handwriting, they are incompetent in basic activities such as cutting with scissors, sewing buttons, joining textiles with needle and thread, food preparation, which is all visible in working with students in our schools.In addition, the number of hours in which handwork is applied has been reduced in the education system. Due to the overemphasized importance of knowledge, motor skills are neglected, which are very important for the acquisition of all knowledge, for the further life of students and their mental health. Rapid economic changes impose a greater need to nurture care for the environment from an early age. With the development of digital competencies, it is necessary to encourage a quality relationship with nature. Given today's circumstances, there is a need for better preparation of students for life and the world of work, and it is necessary to emphasize the economic reasons for the need to encourage students to continue their education in crafts. By self-evaluating the work of the school at the end of last school year, we concluded that it is necessary to direct teaching to students, especially students with disabilities, to intensify student activity through practical learning, movement, staying in nature and thus affect the psychological well-being of students. The analysis of our strengths and weaknesses points to changes in approaches to teaching in which, in addition to the development of digital skills that are necessary, practical work and raising awareness of environmental protection should be more prevalent. In our schools, students of different abilities and abilities are educated, as well as students with different socio-economic abilities, and changing the approach to teaching will enable them greater motivation, easier learning, acquisition of basic skills and easier transition to the next level of education. The overall goal of our project is to improve the competencies of students and teachers in the field of teaching and learning through work and practical activities in the field of environmental protection. Project goals: 1. increase students' interest in working with hands, practical, research, comprehensive learning and encourage active student participation in teaching 2. strengthen the environmental awareness of students and teachers and responsibility towards all living beings, the environment and themselves 3. through practical learning to increase students' interest in natural subjects and further education in craft occupations 4. improve the key competencies of teachers and management at the school level and incorporate exchanged knowledge and skills in working with students and school curricula 5. improve communication between students and teachers in English and thus improve their communication and interpersonal skills 6. Improve the internationalization of the school by transferring knowledge, exchanging experiences, ideas, new trends, examples of good practice and promoting European awareness among all members of the educational community.

The project plans various activities that will be carried out during the project according to the project plan. All activities are related to the objectives of the project, are related to active and practical learning in the field of environmental protection in various subjects. Teachers from all partner schools will explore the possibilities of applying practical work, each in their own field, but also transdisciplinary in the correlation of subject areas (mathematics, nature, foreign language, social fields, sports). During the two years of the project, the ways and possibilities of using practical work for the purpose of learning will be applied in working with children in all schools participating in the project. The project will hold classes, workshops, lectures, monitoring the work of students and teachers focused on practical work and environmental protection in different areas and different schools and school systems, thus ensuring better achievement of goals. Activities cover a variety of topics, such as: Healthy and balanced nutrition, Household and sustainable development, Recycling, Green trips, Community and nature. This school prepares learning and teaching activities in which students from all partner schools will participate, related to the project objectives. The themes of these activities are: A greener future that connects people, Green schools, Our footprints in nature, My green garden is the heart of green Europe, Let's work with nature, Architecture and nature. Two transnational meetings will be held (Together in New Challenges, Cooperation and Productivity), with the aim of more successful implementation of planned activities and creation of better intellectual results of the project. Teacher research work with students with a goal will be conducted

creating intellectual project results: online platforms for teachers and educational digital games. Dissemination at all levels and a final multiplier event will take place.

As a result of the project, two intellectual results will emerge: a platform for teachers with examples of methodological scenarios and educational materials for students and an videos for students with environmental topics.

We expect the project to have multiple effects at different levels. At the student level: 1. better organized teaching and practical work activities that enable learning to be faster, easier and more interesting; 2. higher level of ecological awareness and responsibility towards all living beings and the environment 3. increased practical skills and techniques - greater self-confidence, satisfaction with school and better mental health of children; 4. improved language competences in English; At the teacher level: 1. improved key competencies and skills in the work of teachers - application of new methods of learning and teaching in the field of practical work, preservation and environmental protection; 2. greater environmental awareness and awareness of the need for teaching in line with the goals of sustainable development; 3. improved communication of teachers in English; 4. more developed awareness of national and European cultural heritage. At the school level: 1. improved quality of teachers' work and strengthened professional teams at the school level; 2. better support for teachers in applying different approaches to teaching and preparing teaching materials 3. enriched and better designed school curricula of all schools and improved school development plans; 4. greater environmental awareness and care for the environment of all schools; 5.developed European dimension of schools.

Internationally: 1. Greater care for the environment, green areas, sustainable development - all partner schools deal with environmental protection and sustainable development; 2. better cooperation between European schools and the exchange of good practice at European level; 2. increased experience of participation of all partner schools in Erasmus projects; 3. greater connectivity and networking of schools in Europe, which is a stimulus for new collaborations and partnerships in new projects.