

10:45-11:15 Registration and opening

11:20-12:00 Igors Gorbovickis, Jacobs University, Bremen, Critical points of the multiplier map

12:00-14:00 Lunch

14:15-14:55 Andreas Rößler, Universität Lübeck, A numerical scheme for stochastic evolution equations with commutative noise

15:00-15:25 Coffee & Tea

15:25-16:05 Karenina Sender, Universität Bremen, TBA

16:20-17:00 Moritz Doll, Universität Bremen, Selberg’s Trace Formula for Hyperbolic Surfaces with Twists

17:40 Dinner

Abstracts can be downloaded from here.

The dinner will take place at Restaurant Havenhaus at Vegesack. The address is as follows: Am Vegesacker Hafen 12, 28757 Bremen.