Farm Stand

Located at 8243 Yahley Mill Rd. Henrico, VA 23231

May hours:

Saturday 5/8 9am-2pm

Saturday 5/15 9am-12pm

Saturday 5/22 9am-12pm


click here to Schedule a Visit


Saturday 6/5 CLOSED

Saturday 6/12 9am-12pm

Saturday 6/19 CLOSED

Thursday 6/24 3pm-6pm

SATURDAY 6/26 9am-12pm

click here to Schedule a Visit

*If you cannot make our regular hours and would still like to shop email to schedule an appointment*

Chicken Eggs $4/dozen

Reusable Egg Cartons $5

Honey $5 / 8 oz jar; $12/ lb jar

Goat's Milk Soap $4/bar

Flowers/Plants: Potted plants $2-$25.

Veggie starts: lettuce, spinach, collards, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, melons, squash, cucumbers, and more! $2 and up

Follow along as we build the Farm Stand!

We've been looking for a free or VERY cheap farm stand online for a while. We've even toyed with the idea of getting an old food truck and converting it, but that was going to take way too much time and money. Well, we were lucky enough to find a FREE farm trailer on Craigslist. So off we wet again in the Dodge Ram. We drove and drove down the loneliest little country road you could ever imagine. Upon arriving at the address we found a rusty old trailer frame held together by hardware that looked like you could snap it off with a swift kick. Naturally, we did hesitate to loaded it up with help from our new Farm Stand fairy Godfather. He attached a few flags (we always forget the important safety logistics) and we were off. Danny asked me to look back every few minutes to make sure that trailer was still in one piece and not flying out of the truck bed like shrapnel. He asks me to look back pretty much every time we make one of these weird farm pick ups. I proud to say that nothing has been ejected from the truck on my watch thus far.

We arrived home and realized that there was no way we were getting this thing out of the truck. Did i mentioned that it was old and would certainly crumble to pieces if we had actually towed it home? Luckily, Danny has a set of wooden ramps. We set them up, said a prayer, and hoped that the trailer didn't go rolling down the driveway. Success! Even with two different sized wheels. I began trying to unscrew the 100 year old wood off of the trailer, quickly realizing that the rust has essentially fused the pieces together. A few snips with the bolt cutters and few more swift kicks and karate chops to old wooden boards and voila! I scrubbed the metal down with a wire brush, and spray painted the old frame to protect it from any further rusting. We added a piece of plywood to the base and painted it white to create a platform and the farm stand began to take life. The pigs we picked up in Maryland came with some free metal roofing which we attached to create a top for the farm stand. A few 2x4s later and we had a nice frame and shelves for the produce that will soon make its debut. I'll need to add a few cosmetic touches and eventually paint the wood, but for now it's just what I need! Danny thinks it makes a great mobile tiki bar.