論文 (出版/アクセプト済み):
H. Kawamura, T. Maesaka and M. Ono, "Weighted sum formulas for variants of half multiple zeta values", International Journal of Number Theory (accepted).
H. Kawamura, T. Maesaka and S. Seki, "Multivariable connected sums and multiple polylogarithms", Research in Mathematical Sciences 9 (2022), art. 4.
論文 (プレプリント):
H. Kawamura and A. Yokoi, "Cyclic sum formula for certain parametrized multiple zeta values", arXiv:2412.04089.
H. Kawamura, "Duality on symmetric multiple polylogarithms", arXiv:2411.08711.
H. Kawamura, "Discrete iterated integrals and cyclic sum formulas", arXiv:2404.16161.
H. Kawamura, "Formal sine functions in harmonic algebra", arXiv:2312.13525.
M. Hirose and H. Kawamura, "On a lifting of t-adic symmetric multiple zeta values", arXiv:2311.00473.
H. Kawamura, "Iterated integrals associated with colored rooted trees", arXiv:2209.13293.
H. Kawamura. "The hypermultiple gamma functions of BM-type", arXiv:1910.05204.
H. Kawamura, "Asymptotic Expansions for the multiple gamma functions of Barnes-Milnor type", arXiv:1906.00344.
H. Kawamura, "The q-multiple gamma functions of Barnes-Milnor type", arXiv:1905.08068.
(掲載予定) "1/2 多重ゼータ値の重み付き和公式と一般化超幾何級数", [誌名未定].
"Pythagorean Triple への作用", 3回生のときにゼミ用に作ったメモ, 2023.
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"D色根付き木に付随する反復積分", 数学のなかま 63 (2023).
"2色根付き木と調和代数上の等式", 数学のなかま 63 (2023).
"有限多重ゼータ値の和公式", 数学のなかま 62 (2021).
"たいかんかけ足", みんなの追手門 52 (2009), p.104.