Work Sample


Olx Clone

I have Developed Olx clone web app with complete dynamic functionality using React, Redux, Reactstrap, Firebase, Firestore, Facebook, and Google authentication.


Single Page Webite

This is the Single Page Website and I created this Website using Html5, Css3, Bootstrap or Javascript.

Below this click you can see live Preview

React Todo web App

Using Html, Css, Javascript, React and firebase.

By Clicking this link you can see the code

on github

Progressive Weather web App

My first Progressive weather web Application

By clicking this link you can see the code

Stylish Form

Using Html, CSS and Javascript

Vue + firebase

Todo App

React Firebase And PWA Crud Web App

Create Products

Products Details

Single Products

Edit & Delete Products

Afghan Tandoor Website

This is the Afghan Tandoor website Where you can order Afghani dishes and enjoy the afgani foods

User Table

I created this table using html, Css and JavaScript

By clicking this link you can see the live Preview