Non-state institutions (For Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund)

  • Disability: Inclusion of people with disabilities in Pakistan’s Third Tier Organizations (joint with Asha Gul, Muhammad Salman Khalid, Simon Quinn and Kate Vyborny) Short version here . More detailed version here

  • Women’s inclusion in Pakistan’s Third Tier Organizations (TTOs) (joint with Asha Gul, Saheem Khizer, Simon Quinn and Kate Vyborny). Short version here . More detailed version here

  • Funding and activities of Third Tier Organizations (TTOs) in Pakistan (joint with Asha Gul, Saheem Khizer, Simon Quinn and Kate Vyborny). Short version here . More detailed version here

  • Third Tier Organizations (TTOs) and their Partner Organizations (joint with Asha Gul, Saheem Khizer, Simon Quinn and Kate Vyborny). Short version here . More detailed version here

Female graduates in urban Lahore (For The Punjab Commission on the Status of Women)

  • Undergraduate female students in Lahore: Perceived constraints to female labour force participation (joint with Mahreen Mahmud, Farah Said and Zunia Tirmazee)

  • Covid-19 and urban households in Lahore, Pakistan (joint with Mahreen Mahmud, Farah Said and Zunia Tirmazee) Click here

Health microinsurance (For Kash Foundation )

  • (2020) Covid 19 and well-being of female borrowers in Lahore, Pakistan (joint with Sadia Hussain and Muhammad Ahmed Nazif) Click here

  • (2019) Utilization of health microinsurance: Evidence from focus group discussions (joint with Sadia Hussain and Muhammad Ahmed Nazif) Click here

  • (2019) Utilization of health microinsurance in Punjab: Insights from administrative data (joint with Sadia Hussain) Click here

Learning Losses (For The Citizens Foundation)

  • (2021) Student experiences and outcomes during Covid 19 (joint with Sadia Hussain, Kate Vyborny and Ijaz Bajwa) Click here