The export_training_data() method generates training samples for training deep learning models, given the input imagery, along with labelled vector data or classified images. Deep learning training samples are small sub images, called image chips, and contain the feature or class of interest. This tool creates folders containing image chips for training the model, labels and metadata files and stores them in the raster store of your enterprise GIS. The image chips are often small (e.g. 256x256), unless the training sample size is large. These training samples support model training workflows using the arcgis.learn package as well as by third-party deep learning libraries, such as TensorFlow or PyTorch. The supported models in arcgis.learn accept the PASCAL_VOC_rectangles format for object detection models, which is a standardized image dataset for object class recognition. The label files are XML files containing information about image name, class value, and bounding boxes.

Optionally after inferencing the necessary information from the imagery using the model, the model can be uninstalled using uninstall_model(). The deployed models on an Image Server can be queried using the list_models() method. The uploaded model package is installed automatically on first use as well. Here we are querying specific settings of the deep learning model using the model object:

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In 1983, a deep-sea expedition exploring the Florida Escarpment in the Gulf of Mexico made a fascinating discovery. At over 3,200 meters (2.0 miles), the human occupied vehicle Alvin came upon dense mussel beds, which hosted limpets, snails, sea cucumbers, starfish, brittle stars, eelpout fish, and shrimp. Between the mussel beds were thickets of tubeworms, many of which were over a meter long. Finding these habitats was extraordinary as nearly all the species were new to science and the tubeworms resembled those discovered at hydrothermal vents at the Galapagos Rift just a few years prior.

As there is no light in the deep sea, most animals rely on marine snow for food: dead plants, animals, plankton, and fecal matter (literally, poop) that drift thousands of meters from the sea surface to the seafloor. At seeps and vents, bacteria use chemical energy from sulfides, methane, and other hydrocarbons seeping out of fissures on the seafloor to make food (chemosynthesis). These bacteria can be found growing in thick mats, as well as living symbiotically in or on animals, and are the basis of the food chain at cold seeps.

Cold seeps are unique because they have a plentiful and readily available food source (bacteria), so animals living there can grow to large sizes rapidly and reproduce quickly, unlike in the rest of the deep sea which is very food limited. As a result, cold seeps are oases of life in the deep sea: patchy areas of huge abundance and biomass of unique endemic animals.

Smaller animals such as polychaete worms, shrimp, and snails live within these biogenic structures. There are also usually predators, such as fish, large crabs, and octopus, that roam around in the dark deep sea and find the abundant food at the cold seeps very appealing. Frequently fringing these chemosynthetic communities are filter-feeding species such as sponges, corals, and hydroids, as well as the many species that live on them.

Deeper communities (>1,000 meters; 3,280 feet) are less well known but include the largest mussel bed known in the Gulf, actively venting mud volcanoes, asphalt seeps, brine lakes, and a variety of new species. The communities appear similar to the upper slope, but are dominated by different species. Tubeworm aggregations are composed of Escarpia laminata along with two different undescribed tubeworms, Lamellibrachia sp. 2 and Escarpia sp. Three different mussels have been observed: Bathymodiolus childressi, B. brooksi, and B. heckeri (> 2,200 meters; 7,217 feet). The fauna associated with the tubeworms and mussels of the lower slope are also similar to those of the upper slope at higher taxonomic levels, but are very different at the species level. However, brittle stars tend to be the dominant bacteria-feeders in the deeper sites instead of the snails observed at the ULS sites.

Hello. I have deep freeze, and i had tried your meltdown and it doesnt work. the message is DeviceIoControl reports failure (1), please help me, i need to close deep freeze.

thanks in advance. ( and excuss my english)

You are a genius thank you very much, you could perform the meltdown for the version of deep freeze 8.30, since when I use your application of my sale an error saying: "This DeepFreeze version is NOT supported"


Hey,could a forgetfull fellow get any help with deepfreeze I manage a school, and we have 30 laptops with deepfreeze, the old it guy took off and we would like to reinstall windows and get ssd-s in them but we dont know the passwords....:( I tried meltdown but it doesent work, i knew it wouldnt but i hoped :) Will you update meltdown to support newer deepfreeze installs or nope. thnx

Thanks for the reply.

1. yes we have a valid license, but it will be an ear sweating phone call with them and i wanted and i hoped for a shorter route.

2. thank you, good to know :)

3. Finally we cloned them with deepfreeze in frozen state without a problem...but still there is the problem with the passwords....

Anyhow thanks for the reply, and the help ;)

Abstract:The manual categorization of behavior from sensory observation data to facilitate further analyses is a very expensive process. To overcome the inherent subjectivity of this process, typically, multiple domain experts are involved, resulting in increased efforts for the labeling. In this work, we investigate whether social behavior and environments can automatically be coded based on uncontrolled everyday audio recordings by applying deep learning. Recordings of daily living were obtained from healthy young and older adults at randomly selected times during the day by using a wearable device, resulting in a dataset of uncontrolled everyday audio recordings. For classification, a transfer learning approach based on a publicly available pretrained neural network and subsequent fine-tuning was implemented. The results suggest that certain aspects of social behavior and environments can be automatically classified. The ambient noise of uncontrolled audio recordings, however, poses a hard challenge for automatic behavior assessment, in particular, when coupled with data sparsity.Keywords: social behavior analysis; uncontrolled audio recording; deep learning; wearable device

Avoid using from and size to page too deeply or request too many results atonce. Search requests usually span multiple shards. Each shard must load itsrequested hits and the hits for any previous pages into memory. For deep pagesor large sets of results, these operations can significantly increase memory andCPU usage, resulting in degraded performance or node failures.

We no longer recommend using the scroll API for deep pagination. Ifyou need to preserve the index state while paging through more than 10,000 hits,use the search_after parameter with a point in time (PIT).

Tropical deep water open oceans are dynamic and full of life, especially plankton. Plankton are small organisms that float or drift in great numbers in bodies of salt and fresh water. Plankton are a primary food source for many animals, and consist of protozoans, algae, cnidarians, tiny crustaceans such as copepods, and many other organisms. Many of these planktonic organisms are marine ectoparasites.

In most cases, deepunfreezer1.6.exe file problems are due to the file missing or being corrupted (malware / virus) and often seen at Deep Unfreezer program startup. Although annoying, these issues can usually be easily remedied through replacing the problem EXE file. Moreover, as an overall cleanup and preventive measure, we recommend using a registry cleaner to cleanup any invalid file, EXE file extension, or registry key entries to prevent related error messages.

If you've successfully replaced the file in the right location, your issues with deepunfreezer1.6.exe should be resolved. We recommend running a quick test to confirm that's the case. To confim it's resolved, try starting up Deep Unfreezer to see if the error can be triggered.

Usually deepunfreezer1.6.exe errors with Deep Unfreezer happen during startup or shutdown, while deepunfreezer1.6.exe related programs are running, or rarely during the OS update sequence. Documenting deepunfreezer1.6.exe problem occasions in Deep Unfreezer is key to determine cause of the Deep Freeze state changer problems, and reporting them to Billy Soft. 589ccfa754

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