Mohamed Elkamel HAMDANE

Associate professor in computer science

Email : hamdane (dot) mohamed (at) ensc (dot) dz

  • Profile: M. E. HAMDANE is an associate professor & Researcher in Computer Science at Teachers’ Training School of Constantine, and he is a member of MFGL Team in MISC Laboratory at AbdElhamid Mehri University, Constantine, Algeria. His research interests include : Software Engineering, Models for real-time systems, embedded systems verification, Model checking, E-learning, M-learning,ICT in Education,...

  • Degrees:

    • [PDF] Phd thesis in Computer Science: the field of Software Engineering, 2018.

    • [PDF] Master (with thesis) in Computer Science: field of Databases and Artificial Intelligence, 2008.

    • [PDF] Engineer final project in Computer Science: field of Artificial Intelligence, 2005.

  • Current position: Teacher-Researcher

  • Institution:

    • Teaching : Department of mathematics and computer science, Teachers’ Training School of Constantine, Ville Universitaire de Constantine, 25000 Algeria.

    • Research : MISC Laboratory, Abdelhamid Mehri University, Nouvelle ville Ali Mendjeli, 25000, Constantine, Algeria.