
HIDOE Vimeo Site:

This Vimeo channel was created with Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) teachers in mind to share CCLT strategies. As of the publication of this website, there are only a couple of videos, but more are in the works to be added over the 2019-2020 school year. Please subscribe to the channel so that you will receive updates when more videos are added!

The Instructed Languages Database (TILD):

TILD gathers videos of language teachers in action from many classrooms and allows searching by tag words, such as the name of a specific activity, the language taught, the type of school and learner age, and more. Extra information, such as permissions granted from the school to record students, written and spoken assessments to track learning over time, and more, are included.

Calendar Talk:

Calendar Talk (Tina Hargaden, first year Spanish Class, 2017)

Calendar Talk French (Tina Hargaden, 2017)

Calendar Talk.mp4

Calendar Talk (Jeenna Canche, 2018)


Vietnamese Card Talk (Ngan Ta at HALT Summer Summit 2018)

French Card Talk Circling (Lisa Larriva at HALT Summer Summit 2018)

French Card Talk Coaching (Lisa Larriva at HALT Summer Summit 2018)

Spanish Card Talk (Jeenna Canche at HALT Summer Summit 2018)

One World Image (OWI):

French OWI (Lisa Larriva at HALT Summer Summit 2018)

French OWI Reading Options (Lisa Larriva at HALT Summer Summit, 2018)

Creating a One Word Image.mp4

Spanish Creating OWI (Jeenna Canche , 2018)

Creating a story from OWI.mp4

Spanish Creating a Story from a OWI (Jeenna Canche, 2018)

Spanish OWI (Tina Hargaden with a first year class)

French OWI (Ben Slavic on the 5th day of instruction)


Spanish MovieTalk 1 of 3 (Jeenna Canche at HALT Summer Summit)

Spanish MovieTalk 2 of 3 (Jeenna Canche at HALT Summer Summit)

Spanish MovieTalk 3 of 3 (Jeenna Canche at HALT Summer Summit)

Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS):

TPRS (Blaine Ray teaching English in Brazil)

Chinese TPRS (Reed Riggs at HALT Summer Summit, 2018)

Spanish TPRS (Adriana Ramirez teaching first year students)

Total Physical Response (TPR), Picture Talk, and Reading:

French TPR and Picture Talk (Lisa Larriva at HALT Summer Summit, 2018)

Spanish TPR and Picture Talk 1 of 3 (Jeenna Canche at HALT Summer Summit, 2018)

Spanish TPR and Picture Talk of 3 (Jeenna Canche at HALT Summer Summit, 2018)

Spanish TPR and Picture Talk 3 of 3 (Jeenna Canche at HALT Summer Summit, 2018)

Vietnamese TPR and Picture Talk (Ngan Ta at HALT Summer Summit, 2018)

Special Person Interview:

How to do Special Person Interview

Special Person Interview with a Level One class

Special Person Interview with a 7th grade class

Special Person Interview Demo