Microprocessors: Software, Hardware, and Interfacing


This class will cover fundamental concepts in microprocessor and assembly language. The topics covered are, but not limited to, instruction set architecture, assembly syntax, instruction types, data processing, data conversion, microprocessor-memory and microprocessor-peripheral interfacing, floating point format, addressing modes, system on chip (SoC) components, interrupt handling, and on-system communication.

The students will conduct hands-on experiments of the topics during the laboratory sessions. The students will work with Intel (previously Altera) Monitor Program and the DE1-SoC development board to conduct the experiments. The students will write their code using the ARM assembly language.

Laboratory experiments include assembly directives, memory addressing, working with LED’s and switches, manual assembly, and other related topics.


Students must have taken and passed ECE 118 (introduction to programming) and ECE 211/304 (logic design). This course requires a strong understanding of digital logic and math concepts. Non-major students (e.g., audio engineering students) who wish to enroll in this class must learn the digital logic concepts prior to committing to this course. For resources on digital logic, please see the instructor.

Textbook and reading material

Textbook: Modern Assembly Language Programming with The ARM Processor” by Larry D. Pyeatt. ISBN# 978-0-12-803698-3. The book is available for free from the Richter Library as a PDF file.

Other material: ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual, ARM Cortex-A9 Technical Reference Manual, and ARMv7-A Architecture Reference Manual. These documents provide information about the ARM architecture generally, specifically for a particular CPU (e.g., Cortext A9), and/or from an engineering or programming point of view. These documents are available free of charge at the ARM Ltd. website.

Grade breakdown

Homework 15%
Lab projects (up to 6) 20%
Two Exams 20% ea. 40%
Technical Paper 25%
Class participation 3% (extra credit)

Class schedule

The schedule, powerpoint presentations, lecture notes, assignments, and other links can be found on the course’s Blackboard page, under “Schedule”.

Class attendance and participation

Class attendance is not mandatory; i.e., there won’t be a class roll call. However, you are expected to assess and make wise decisions about your attendance. Although the textbook provides a good source of information, some of the topics covered in class are not in the textbook. Specifically, a lot of the lab tips and directions are only discussed in the classroom. Furthermore, there is tight correlation between high grades and class attendance and participation. It is extremely recommended that you attend each class! Additionally, there will be a few pop quizzes that help you evaluate your understanding of the subjects and may be used to boost your grades. There is no make up for these quizzes!

Class Recordings

Students are expressly prohibited from recording any part of this course. Meetings of this course might be recorded by the University. Any recordings will be available to students registered for this class as they are intended to supplement the classroom experience. Students are expected to follow appropriate University policies and maintain the security of passwords used to access recorded lectures. Recordings may not be reproduced, shared with those not in the class, or uploaded to other online environments. If the instructor or a University of Miami office plans any other uses for the recordings, beyond this class, students identifiable in the recordings will be notified to request consent prior to such use.

·A recording is being made for the course lectures. The lectures are available to the students in this class.

·The recordings are limited to other students currently enrolled in the same class.

·Students are prohibited from recording the lectures by any means

·Students are prohibited from sharing the lectures with others

·If students will be permitted to review a recording in which a student is identifiable, the syllabus should prohibit student’s capture or copying of the recording by any means or sharing with others.

·All recordings are stored only on the University’s Blackboard website.

·Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): https://ua.miami.edu/student-consumer-information/FERPA/index.html


Electronic devices

Usage of electronic devices (smartphones, tablets, and laptops) during the class is strictly prohibited except if you are asked to do so for a class activity. You may leave the classroom to answer a phone call if necessary. Please do not answer calls, instant message, chat, or go on social media during the class meeting. Recording audio and/or video is not permitted. Students who need to catch up with the terminology during the class may refer to the power point slides or lecture notes prior to class meeting. The topic’s powerpoint presentations or lecture notes will be available to students 24 hours or more before the class meeting.

Late submissions

All late assignments receive zero credits. This means students must plan to finish their work before the deadline to avoid delays due to “technical difficulties”. Online assignments (on Blackboard) will timeout at the deadline and cannot be made up. Permissions for late submissions due to failed-pdf conversions, empty file(s), internet issues, travels, etc. will not be granted. Some exceptions are granted to documented family or medical emergencies (see make up policy)

You are expected to check Blackboard at least once per lecture per week. Some assignments are announced during the lecture, if you miss the lecture, it is your responsibility to check the lecture.

Reminders are not expected from the instructor. It is your responsibility to remember and prepare and submit the assignments by the designated deadlines.

Make up

No make-up exams/assignments except for a medically documented sickness or family emergency. Please note that oftentimes students are asked to direct the instructor to the medical center to obtain the medical examination record. To maintain confidentiality, the instructor will not contact the student health center or the student’s medical provider. Family emergencies include a loss of a close family member, hospitalization, and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


All graded assignments can be regraded if an error is spotted. All re-grading requests must be submitted within three days of original grading.

Honor Code

Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. The instructor of this course supports the University of Miami Honor Code. Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty in this course is subject to the provisions of the Honor Code.

All assignments are individual effort, unless otherwise stated. Students are expected to honor the UM honor code. Every student is expected to read, acknowledge, and adhere to the University of Miami honor code located at

http://bulletin.miami.edu/general-university-information/undergraduate-academic-procedure-information/grades/#text. Students who are caught breaking the honor code will be persecuted.


Disability Access: Students in need of academic accommodations for a disability may consult with the Office of Disability Services (ODS) to arrange appropriate accommodations. Students are required to give reasonable notice prior to requesting an accommodation.

The Office of Disability Services (ODS) is located in the Camner Center for Academic Resources in Whitten University Center 2400. ODS staff can be reached at 305-284-2374 (Voice) or 305-284-1999 (Fax). Office hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Individuals may email the office staff for quick responses to questions.

Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Harassment Reporting: The University of Miami seeks to maintain a safe learning, living, and working environment free from all types of sex-based and gender-based discrimination prohibited by state and federal laws, including Title IX and Title VII, and in keeping with the University’s culture of belonging, DIRECCT values and expected behaviors.

The University's Sexual Misconduct Policy applies to all members of the University community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The procedures for investigation and adjudication of complaints is determined by the status of the individual who is alleged to have engaged in sexual misconduct ("Respondent").

Free Tutoring at University of Miami: On-campus tutoring and writing assistance is available for students at University of Miami. The Learning Commons supports learning at the University of Miami through the co-location, coordination and enhancement of existing academic services. The University of Miami Libraries’ Learning Commons is the result of collaboration with campus partners including the Camner Center for Academic Resources, Academic Technologies, Writing Center, and Math Lab. To learn more at the Learning Commons, please visit the Richter Library, call 305-284-4722, or e-mail learningcommons@miami.edu.

University Writing Center: If needed, please provide information about the University’s writing center.

Counseling services at UM: Resources are available on-campus for students having personal problems or lacking clear career and academic goals. The resources can be found here: http://www.miami.edu/sa/index.php/counseling_center