Sec. 5. That upon the approval of the allotments provided for in this act by the Secretary of the Interior, he shall cause patents to issue therefor in the name of the allottees, which patents shall be of the legal effect, and declare that the United States does and will hold the land thus allotted, for the period of twenty-five years, in trust for the sole use and benefit of the Indian to whom such allotment shall have been made, or, in case of his decease, of his heirs according to the laws of the State or Territory where such land is located, and that at the expiration of said period the United States will convey the same by patent to said Indian, or his heirs as aforesaid, in fee, discharged of said trust and free of all charge or incumbrance whatsoever: Provided, That the President of the United States may in any case in his discretion extend the period. And if any conveyance shall be made of the lands set apart and allotted as herein provided, or any contract made touching the same, before the expiration of the time above mentioned, such conveyance or contract shall be absolutely null and void: Provided, That the law of descent and partition in force in the State or Territory where such lands are situate shall apply thereto after patents therefor have been executed and delivered, except as herein otherwise provided; and the laws of the State of Kansas regulating the descent and partition of real estate shall, so far as practicable, apply to all lands in the Indian Territory which may be allotted in severalty under the provisions of this act: And provided further, That at any time after lands have been allotted to all the Indians of any tribe as herein provided, or sooner if in the opinion of the President it shall be for the best interests of said tribe, it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Interior to negotiate with such Indian tribe for the purchase and release by said tribe, in conformity with the treaty or statute under which such reservation is held, of such portions of its reservation not allotted as such tribe shall, from time to time, consent to sell, on such terms and conditions as shall be considered just and equitable between the United States and said tribe of Indians, which purchase shall not be complete until ratified by Congress, and the form and manner of executing such release prescribed by Congress: Provided however, That all lands adapted to agriculture, with or without irrigation so sold or released to the United States by any Indian tribe shall be held by the United States for the sale purpose of securing homes to actual settlers and shall be disposed of by the United States to actual and bona fide settlers only tracts not exceding one hundred and sixty acres to any one person, on such terms as Congress shall prescribe, subject to grants which Congress may make in aid of education: And provided further, That no patents shall issue therefor except to the person so taking the same as and homestead, or his heirs, and after the expiration of five years occupancy thereof as such homestead; and any conveyance of said lands taken as a homestead, or any contract touching the same, or lieu thereon, created prior to the date of such patent, shall be null and void. And the sums agreed to be paid by the United States as purchase money for any portion of any such reservation shall be held in the Treasury of the United States for the sole use of the tribe or tribes Indians; to whom such reservations belonged; and the same, with interest thereon at three per cent per annum, shall be at all times subject to appropriation by Congress for the education and civilization of such tribe or tribes of Indians or the members thereof. The patents aforesaid shall be recorded in the General Land Office, and afterward delivered, free of charge, to the allottee entitled thereto. And if any religious society or other organization is now occupying any of the public lands to which this act is applicable, for religious or educational work among the Indians, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to confirm such occupation to such society or organization, in quantity not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres in any one tract, so long as the same shall be so occupied, on such terms as he shall deem just; but nothing herein contained shall change or alter any claim of such society for religious or educational purposes heretofore granted by law. And hereafter in the employment of Indian police, or any other employees in the public service among any of the Indian tribes or bands affected by this act, and where Indians can perform the duties required, those Indians who have availed themselves of the provisions of this act and become citizens of the United States shall be preferred.

According to media reports (Grain Central), persistent hot and dry weather conditions across the Prairie provinces is expected to reduce the production of Canada's wheat, barley, oats, and canola crops, while corn and soybean output is expected to increase year-on-year as eastern Canada has enjoyed higher-than-average rainfall since the beginning of the growing season. Reuters reported that the Panama Canal threatened to further reduce the maximum amount of vessel transits authorized per day if a drought that has hit the waterway this year continues. added that the drought has prompted Panama to look into new sources of water for the Panama Canal (the Panama Canal moves six percent of global maritime trade in a normal year). According to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, water levels on the Mississippi River have fallen to near record levels a full month ahead of last year's low water stage. The Mississippi River has fallen 15 feet in a month. The low level of the Mississippi River has forced barge companies to lighten loads, making it more costly to transport grain and other goods on the river; the cargo rate from St. Louis downriver was up 77% above the three-year average. Nation News Barbados reported that the Barbados-based Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (CariCOF) said, as of September, severe, or worse, short-term drought has developed in Grand Cayman, French Guiana, northern Guyana, eastern Suriname, Tobago, and the US Virgin Islands. Long-term drought to the end of November is evolving in western Belize, Dominica, southern French Guiana, Martinique, south east Puerto Rico, St Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago, and might possibly develop or continue in Aruba, Bonnaire and Curacao, Barbados, French Guiana, Grenada, St Lucia and St Maarten/St-Martin. CariCOF said short-term drought to the end of December, is evolving in central and southern French Guiana, Suriname, Trinidad, and might possibly develop in Dominica, Guyana, Martinique, St Lucia, St Vincent and northern French Guiana.

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World Nation News reported that the price of tortillas in Mexico, one of the main staple foods in the country, will see a new increase in the short term. This is due to the severe drought faced by the main corn-producing states such as Sinaloa, which supplies 20 percent of the national grain production, and the ban imposed this year by the federal government on the import of transgenic white corn. According to the Associated Press, the Mexican National Water Commission announced water restrictions equivalent to about 8% of the Cutzamala system's flow, and millions of users in Mexico City and Toluca fear even greater restrictions over the winter. The water restrictions were needed because of low reservoir levels that resulted from the lack of rain during Mexico's rainy season, which is about over. Marketplace reported that the Panama Canal Authority on Oct. 20 said it was temporarily suspending auctions for Neopanamax and Panamax locks as the waterway continues to deal with a drought. Reuters added that the Panama Canal, one of the world's main maritime trade routes, will further reduce daily ship crossings in the coming months due to a severe drought, increasing shipping costs. Booking slots, already at a reduced 31 per day, will be cut to 25 per day starting Nov. 3, and will be gradually reduced further over the next three months to 18 slots from Feb. 1. The recorded precipitation for October has been the lowest on record since 1950 (41% below), and so far, 2023 ranks as the second driest year for the same period. Marine Insight added that, with the Panama Canal experiencing the worst drought in 73 years, massive oil tankers have been forced to stop using the Canal altogether. This development means extended voyages for tankers by thousands of miles. KXAN (out of Austin, Texas) reported on a research by the University of Texas-Austin that found that weather conditions appear to be among the most significant factors when it comes to predicting immigration of Central Americans to the United States' southern border. be457b7860


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