Class Rules

Class Rules

Halifax Club Rules for Tamiya Racing

1 . Chassis 

Tamiya TT or M Kit must be used. 

2. Modifications Allowed 


Alloy Prop Alloy Filled Shock 

Steering Turnbuckles 

Toe in rear hubs 

Alloy hexes 

3. Differentials 

Gearing Must be Kit and have Differential Action 

4. Gearing

Spur must be 0.6 mod as per kit. Ratios can be changed with Tamiya 53665 Gear Set. 

5. Electrics 

Brushed Drive system; 

• Motors - Must be a minimum 15t, must be sealed can. 

• ESC - Kit or Hobbywing 1060/1080 

Brushless Drive System; 

• Motor/ESC - Hobbywing HW38020371 ESC and 13.5T brushless Justock combo, no other brushless option can be run. 

Servo - Any 

Battery Pack - Free choice provided it is charged correctly. 

6. Tyres 

• Any commercially available 1/10 TC tyre. Also Foam Tyres with/without Additive.

7. Bodyshells 

Any Tamiya scale shell or the Montec MT007007 Truck Shell. 21/07/2024 

All other classes are to be strictly run under BRCA rules