
Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée Research Centre
PhD candidate in physics

  • Thesis: Next generation neural mass models

  • Field: Computational neuroscience

  • Supervisors: Dr. Mathieu Desroches, Dr. Simona Olmi

Technische Universität Berlin
MSc in physics, fundamentals-oriented

  • Thesis: Influence of network topology in shaping the dynamics of power grid networks

  • Field: Nonlinear dynamics and control

  • Supervisors: Dr. Eckehard Schöll, Dr. Simona Olmi

Technische Universität Berlin
BSc in physics

  • Thesis: Spatio-temporal dynamics of optically excited excitons in quantum wells

  • Field: Quantum mechanics

  • Supervisor: Dr. Andreas Knorr