A LOONG time ago, I found a wad with about an episode's worth of maps, based on half-life. It came with replacement sprites and sounds for weapons and enemies and new textures for everything too. I know this is not half-life doom, because hl doom has no maps. 

If anyone knows where i can find this wad it would be very much appreciated. 

Thank you.

yeah, the hl mod im working on is the BEST hl mod for doom to date. I'll make a bet. All weapons function in game as they do in hl(even the hornetgun, except no reloads to keep doom-style gameplay). also, enemies are just like the ones in hl.

i plan to release it soon, its not done yet and i'd like people to make maps for it that are in a half-life style with an HL texture pack i'll make.

Half Life 2 Maps Download

Download File 🔥 https://urloso.com/2y3iQs 🔥

when i say its the best, i mean the best i've seen. or at least, most true to half-life is what i mean.


The gargantuan fires deadly rays of flame! Notice the RPG laser sight, rpg ready to take out his leg!

Gonarch gives birth to hundreds of really annoying baby headcrabs! 

Freewebs is being gay, only one pic at a time will work! I don't know why!

P.S. there are no levels included in this release if you were puzzled at why half-life would take place in the doom universe. I can't map worth shit, i'd like people to make some cool half-life maps for this with scriptin and such.

Available maps:

practice_abh.bsp (for accelerated back hopping, containing enough room to reach the maximum velocity)

practice_wallclimbing.bsp (spawns you with a prop to climb onto the wall {the dev textured wall that says "wall 128x128})

practice_flying.bsp (containing a pit in the middle and a lot of crates in case of failing using the first crate)

Maps that exploit game glitches such as grenade boosting, flying, etc actually sound like a lot of fun. With the little knowledge I have of hammer, I might try to make a few in the style of bhop or kz maps.

Hi! I can't open the half life maps on hammer because the extension has to be something like .mnf or .map? Another extra question is how can I then edit for example the targets of soldiers or monsters or maybe where characters move and stuff?

So anyways, my question is that is there a way I can import the half life 2 chapter maps into Hammer. I have access to the train station map (all its parts) but other maps such as sandtrap, route_Kanal and for the rest of the chapters are not there 

Is there a way I can get them? Same with half life 2 Episodes one and two.

Decompiling maps is only really frowned upon if you re-use the content for your own purpose. Generally speaking, most people 'accept' that their maps might be decompiled for people to look at and learn from, but you really should get permission from the original owner first. But providing you don't re-distribute modified versions or claim other peoples work as your own, there is a utility floating around that will do it that you can find with a bit of research

Indeed it is possible to open the HL2 maps in hammer as TK and Wraiyth had mentioned. There is a java program called vmex which extracts the map into a usable .bsp file which can then be used in hammer. Although, you will find that many entities and even some brushes, are missing. The only parts left are the "skin and bones" of the map, which usually isn't much use unless you're looking at how certain level geometry is created. Good luck

Toyoka wrote: Indeed it is possible to open the HL2 maps in hammer as TK and Wraiyth had mentioned. There is a java program called vmex which extracts the map into a usable .bsp file which can then be used in hammer. Although, you will find that many entities and even some brushes, are missing. The only parts left are the "skin and bones" of the map, which usually isn't much use unless you're looking at how certain level geometry is created. Good luck

I've been trying to get test maps to work for the past three hours and no matter what I do I, they will not load up. Hammer is working fine but every single time I go to run the map, Half-Life boots up and goes straight to the main menu.

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000) ---- qcsg ---- entering C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life SDK\Map Files\I hate this fucking editor.map CreateBrush: 0...1...3...5...6...8... (0) CSGBrush: 0...1...3...5...6...8... (0) Using WAD File: \program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\half-life\valve\halflife.wad Using WAD File: \program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\half-life\valve\xeno.wad Using WAD File: \program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\half-life\valve\liquids.wad 0 seconds elapsed

The whole point of this is to not pre-bake normal mapped light maps. but to give the computer the info needed to add normal mapping on the fly with very little computation. it encodes the approximate direction of the in coming light. so you should be able to fake directional spec, but it might be better not to use the direction for the spec. Note that the node setup is not grate just a wip.

Half-Life maps are designed using Hammer Editors 3.3 through 3.5, and are powered by the GoldSource Engine, the predecessor to the current Hammer 4.X series, AKA the Source SDK. If you don't already have Half-Life 1's editor, click here to download. In order for the Hammer Editor to make maps for Half-Life, it needs access to certain files and programs, such as compile tools, game data, and so-on. This page will give you a quick run through on how to set everything up, and get on your way to map making.

Hammer allows you to setup multiple configurations, so if you want to make maps for more than one GoldSource game, you can make maps for each on the same editor. This section allows you to add, remove, or edit different configurations.

Click Add. Select the file at common\Half-Life SDK\Hammer Editor\fgd\half-life\halflife.fgd. This file should exist there. If it doesn't, you can make it yourself by copying all the information on this page. You can select and use extra FGDs, but anything in them not coded to work in the Half-Life engine will not work. For example: the CS hostage entity.

This is where Hammer will save all files related to your map every time you compile. The engine looks in common\Half-Life\[your game folder]\maps for maps, however, Hammer will generate quite a few files related to your map when saving or compiling, so you may find it preferable to have a separate folder to contain them all (usually named bspsrc). Compiled map files can be stored in another folder, which we will get to configuring near the end.

Dario Casali's work contains some of the most popular deathmatch levels on the internet, including the Half-Life maps listed below, Team Fortress Classic's Dustbowl, and Team Fortress 2's Gold Rush. He also created a seven-level episode for Quake called Prodigy Special Edition.

Counter Strike started as a Half-Life 1 mod, and evolved from there, so it's quite possible for maps to work, since it's same format. But the textures and definitions for weapons and various scripts are not stored inside map files, all that is stored in separate files that have to be loaded by the engine.

On top of that, Valve has added four spanking new multiplayer maps. Some might seem familiar, such as one based on an abandoned Xen outpost and another set at an old orbital satellite launch facility. "If we could switch on the oxygen lines, power, and fuel, we might just be able to light this candle," Valve said. The company has added three other maps that were originally available on a disc called Half-Life: Further Data.

Half-Life turns 25 this weekend, and we're pushing a big update to bring back some of that 1998 feeling with restored original launch day content, brand new multiplayer maps, a look behind the scenes with the original development team, and more: pic.twitter.com/1eOtLiHXbE

Half-Life came out 25 years ago tomorrow and to celebrate Valve ahve released an anniversary update. It includes four new multiplayer maps, updated graphics settings, and fully verified Steam Deck support. It also includes some new multiplayer models and skins, including proto-Barney and the original design for Gordon Freeman, pictured above.

That's significant because Valve have created four entirely new multiplayer maps which "push the limits of what's possible in the Half-Life engine." One of them, Rocket Frenzy, is based on the singleplayer mission in which you ignite a rocket, while Pool Party is set in an abandoned Xen outpost built around three large healing pools.

Valve have also bundled together some older extra content, including three multiplayer maps, two models and dozens of sprays originally released on a special "Half-Life: Further Data" CD sold at retail in 1999, and Half-Life: Uplink, the standalone mini-campaign given away via magazine coverdiscs and bundled with 3D cards around the time of Half-Life's release.

The SDK also enables the use of Half-Life maps, if that's more your thing, and more importantly user-made maps for either game should also work, with some limitations: The FAQ notes that compatibility with user-made maps isn't guaranteed, and large Quake maps "can technically be loaded but currently experience significant issues."

Half-Life, for those too young or too in denial to remember, introduced the world to crowbar-toting science nerd Gordon Freeman on 19th November 1998 (Freeman's full-life consequences wouldn't materialise until sometime later), and anyone looking to relive their memories of those halcyon days now get to do so with some fancy extra bits thrown in.

Valve's also implemented widescreen field-of-view settings, Linux software rendering, lighting fixes, plus a heap of other quality of life improvements, bug fixes, and balancing tweaks, as detailed in the Anniversary Update extensive patch notes. Additionally, the whole thing's been tweaked to ensure it passes Valve's own Steam Deck Verified checks - and, for nostalgia fans, the classic Valve logo video and music have been reinstated at the start of the game, and the main menu has been reskinned to match the 1998 build. ff782bc1db

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