If you want to travel fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together (African Proverb)
As we move into the next phase of our mahi it is apparent that schools have various teaching programmes in place to support children through providing localised curriculum and teaching options. The variety of programmes in place are reflective of the diverse school communities in which our Kāhui Ako operates.
To ensure collective efficacy and common threads between schools as well as activating 'levers of change' to improve outcomes for children, we have established three main challenges going forward. The challenges are able to be implemented as a collective Kahui Ako while still enabling individual schools the autonomy, time and space to pursue areas of individual importance in the context of their own school, localised curriculum and specific community.
The challenges with the supporting strategic plan provides us all with a shared direction.
Challenge 1:
Culturally Responsive and Relational Pedagogy
Challenge 2:
Challenge 3:
Coherence -To build effective, valid and consistent practice at an operational level