Frequently Asked Questions

How will you determine who gets the sponsorship?

After the funds are collected, we will have an application process. There will be a panel of 3 judges that will go through the applications and select applications for interviews. After the interviews are performed, we will select an individual to send for Hajj, ensuring they meet all the criteria.
As the judges are reviewing the applications, the names will be redacted to prevent possible biases. Names will be released to the judges prior to the interviews.

Can anyone apply for the sponsorship?

Because this is the first year and we have limited resources, we are looking for applicants in the Atlanta area. We would like to start off by serving our community and we hope our success will allow us to expand to more cities in the near future.

What costs are not covered?

All basic costs are covered, such as hotels, flights, Hajj taxes, breakfast & lunch. The animal sacrifice is NOT covered.

Who will take the sponsored for Hajj?

For 2019, we have made arrangement with Buraq Travels (, which is an Atlanta-based business that has been approved by IATA (International Airline Transport Association).

What if the sponsored requires a Mehram, will the sponsorship pay for the companion?

We are planning to raise funds and sponsor a single person. If the person requires Mehram, the companion will have to make their own financial arrangements.
In some instances, a Hajj group that the person is traveling in can be considered the Mehram. The laws frequently change and we ask to contact us if you are concerned about this issue.

Will I know who was selected?

We will ask the sponsored if they would like to stay anonymous. If not, we will published information about the sponsored, limited to the donors.

Will you have a sponsorship program next year?

Our decision to continue the program will come after the 2019 Hajj season where the administrators of the program will regroup and discuss future plans. As of now, we are uncertain.

Can any sect of Muslims apply?

All Muslims, regardless of sects, are welcome to apply. The Hajj agent, Hajj Pros, is a Sunni organization and will follow the Sunni methodology. Due to logistical challenges, they will not be able to accommodate special arrangements.