NOTE :- If you install youtube-dl from Ubuntu software center. You can't update it from terminal.

Go Software center and update from it. 

I test this commands on Wine because my youtube-dl also old. And I am unable to Update it. 

If you can update your youtube-dl you can download play-list by using above commands.

 I hope it helps...

As I said in the title. I would like to create a playlist on youtube and download the entire thing. I tried searching this sub for an answer but all I found were how to tweak stuff in a more advanced manner. Not how to start doing it. Sorry if this has been posted before.

Ubuntu Youtube-dl Download Playlist

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Imagine you have a playlist on YouTube that contains hundreds of videos in it and you want to download them, what will you do? Do you really want to download them one by one? I think that's not a good idea. So, in this my first post, I'd like to show you how download all videos of YouTube playlist by simply type a few commands.

Applications used:

In order to getting this trick done, we have to install two applications called umph and youtube-dl. Umph is such an application that can parse YouTube feeds, it can parse playlists, favourite lists, and user upload lists. Youtube-dl is well-known command line tool for downloading YouTube videos by giving their video links.

Installing applications:

Fortunately, I've created a PPA contains those two applications. Simply type the following command to install them:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tldm217/tahutek.netsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install umph youtube-dlUsage instructions:

umph playlist_ID | youtube-dl -l -a -You can get playlist_ID from playlist URL, for example, we will download all videos in PHPAcademy 200 JQuery Tutorials, see the picture below for more details.

Take a look at part marked with red box, you will get the weird phrase "PL46408891B63317A4". By removing the "PL" characters, now you have the playlist ID: 46408891B63317A4. You're ready to go:

umph 46408891B63317A4 | youtube-dl -l -a -By default, umph will parse 25 videos. So, by executing the above command you will download the first video until 25th video. If you want to download all videos (200 videos) you must add an argumen "-m 200".

umph -m 200 46408891B63317A4 | youtube-dl -l -a -The tricky part is in umph command line arguments, please take look at this documentation for further information.

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There are various ways to download YouTube videos. But when it comes to Linux, nothing beats youtube-dl. In this tutorial, I am going to show the steps for using youtube-dl for downloading videos from YouTube and other websites.

Next, find out the URL of the YouTube playlist that you want to download. To do so, go to the YouTube playlist page that you want, and copy the URL. The URL format of a YouTube playlist is  =XXXXXXXXXXX, as shown in the screenshot below.

YT-DLP is a free and open-source software project created (as a fork) from the now-discontinued project, youtube-dlc. yt-dlp is based on the popular YouTube downloader, youtube-dlc, but now comes with additional features and improvements. This software is basically used to download videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and other similar websites.

A: yt-dlp offers additional features and options not available in youtube-dl. It also has an active development community that ensures that bugs are quickly fixed and new features are added. Check our previous section: Pros & Cons.

This app we are going to use here, apart from grabbing the Youtube videos, can also be used to convert the videos to MP3. It supports password-protected and private videos, can download single videos or whole playlists, and has the ability to automatically selects a video format based on your quality demands.

What I do now is call a .bat file on a schedule basis with all my arguments, naming structures, archives, etc. So it's fairly automated except that I would have to download a newer youtube-dl version manually

Alternatively, I've come around this and this but I wouldn't know how to setup or if it could manage to handle my script. So I was thinking... is there a way that I could have unraid read my batch files on a regular basis and run youtube-dl? Much like I do right now on windows

tl;dr youtube-dl docker containers I tested can't handle some or all my output arguments for channels I regularly download to archive. is there a way to make unraid call a batch file (or similar) on a schedule basis and run youtube-dl to download newly added videos that are not listed in its output archive?

You can use the User.Scripts plugin to run a bash script on a schedule. So far as running youtube-dl specifically the best way is within a docker container. You would use a docker run command in your script (probably with the --rm option to delete the container when done) to launch a youtubedl container from your script. Depending on the image you choose you may need to override the container entrypoint to directly launch youtubedl and then your would pass your arguments in the docker cmd.

I may be going about this the wrong way but I have a Debian VM in unraid always running that even on my underpowered board uses barely any CPU (< 1% at idle.) With /mnt/user mapped in the VM it gives full access to the unraid shares and makes tasks like installing youtube-dl and other miscellaneous CLI apps much easier.

One of the most efficient ways to download YouTube playlists on Ubuntu is by using the youtube-dl command-line tool. This tool supports downloading of individual videos, playlists, and even entire channels.

Replace with the URL of the YouTube playlist you want to download. The -i flag is used to continue with the next video when a download error occurs, ensuring that the entire playlist is downloaded even if some videos are unavailable.

By default, youtube-dl downloads the highest quality of video and audio available. If you want to specify the quality, you can add additional command-line options, although the default settings are usually sufficient for most users.

If you prefer not to specify flags on the command line every time, you can create a configuration file for youtube-dl. Simply create a file named config in the ~/.config/youtube-dl/ directory and add your desired options there.

Whether you prefer the command line or a graphical interface, Ubuntu provides several efficient methods to download YouTube playlists. Both youtube-dl and Youtube-dl GUI are powerful tools that make this task easy and convenient. Remember to respect copyright laws and only download content that you are legally allowed to. Happy downloading!

Yes, there are alternative methods to download YouTube playlists on Ubuntu. Some popular options include using online downloaders or browser extensions specifically designed for downloading YouTube videos.

How do I use the --cookies option to youtube-dl to download a Youtube video? Can anyone provide a worked example of how to obtain the relevant cookies for Youtube and put it in the appropriate format for youtube-dl?

Context: I want to download a private Youtube video. For various reasons, the method of logging into my Google account is complicated and involves two-factor authentication and not supported by youtube-dl's existing command-line options. Therefore, it seems the best way is to log in manually in my browser, obtain the authentication cookies somehow, and use the --cookies option -- but I can't find a worked example of how to do this.

While this may not work for YouTube specifically, I wanted to highlight an easier approach that works well for youtube-dl to download from a site that requires login (and uses cookies to track the session).

While this is not a direct answer to the question, it's a much better solution: you can use a fork of youtube-dl called yt-dlp that can directly load cookies from browser databases using --cookies-from-browser firefox or --cookies-from-browser chrome so no need to export at all!

Till now, we have learned how to install and configure YouTube-DL on Linux. Now I will show some primary features of YouTube-DL. YouTube-DL can download a single video, a bunch of videos, or even a full playlist from youtube. There are options to download subtitles along with the video. If you are a music lover, there are also options to extract and download audio-only from youtube. Now I am describing a few methods of how to use YouTube-DL on Linux.

Now, I will show how to download a full playlist through the YouTube-DL commands on Linux. But, be mindful that the playlist privacy must be public. You can also download an unlisted youtube video. You might want to know what would happen if you accidentally close the terminal window on Linux while the download process is running?

Will the download resume or, you have to start over? Well, luckily, the answer is yes, your download will be resumed and merged. You can download a full youtube channel through the YouTube-DL commands on Linux. YouTube-DL also supports bulk download, download specific video from a playlist, and multiple downloads at a time.

YouTube-DL also has created an option to extract and download the audio file from the youtube video in mp3 format. To download an audio file using the YouTube-DL on Linux, you need to open the terminal shell and type youtube-dl-x --audio-format mp3 . Here, the -x syntax is used to extract audio from the video file. YouTube-DL also allows downloading videos with subtitles. You can choose the type of subtitles and subtitle language. 006ab0faaa

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