The process of constructing a diorama takes anywhere from seven to 15 months. Nix and Gerber divide the labor, with Nix planning the overall scheme and Gerber fleshing out the details, creating minutely detailed sculptures of chairs, clothes and other forms of urban detritus. In the end, Nix photographs the finished work. Since 1999, the pair have completed 30 scenes.

Any project that lasts more than a decade is bound to have some twists and turns. While the original focus of the series was interior spaces, Nix + Gerber have recently begun to explore outdoor scenes. Each of the dioramas depict architecture in conflict with the natural world.

The Diorama Perfection


The Stars Hollow Museum is basically just a collection of random garbage that power-tripping Taylor and his volunteers try to legitimize. Lorelai jokes that Miss Patty's punch is so strong that she needs to "eat a loaf of bread, a pound of crackers and chase it with a quart of olive oil" before ingesting it. Babette is mysteriously absent, but Kyle and his hook hand make an appearance. Even Dean pops up and has a weird conversation with Luke about how he'll never be good enough for Lorelai. Not all of the Stars Hollow nonsense is charming, but I must let it slide because of the acid-trip diorama with the "I love Jesus" mannequin. It's like the writers got bored with the show a la "Felicity" S4 and said, "Fuck it, let's make something truly weird."


As an ex-soldier with service in heavy artillery (D-20 152-mm Towed Gun-Howitzer/M-46 130-mm Towed Gun) I found several problems regarding this diorama:

1. on end of each leg (lafet) there is a shovel that have to be partially buried in the ground; their main role is to transfer energy from shot to the ground,

2. if You insert a shell in the barrel in a way as a "soldier" on the photos, then You would kill everyone around You (depending on the fuse You put it on), shell have to be placed on the support in the back of cannon and then pushed in the barrel; shell-support is usually most scratched piece on weapon,

3. You don't kneel with a shell in Your hands;

4. You don't stand behind a firing cannon, soldiers handling shells stay diagonally or on the other side of lafet (if is a small caliber), in theory You can handle in that way all caliber under 200 mm/50 kg shells (part of shell),

5. howitzers usually have e higher elevation (40 degrees or more), this is a cannon elevation, but barrel is for howitzer,

6. firing officer is to close to the weapon, he don't have an appropriate place to see all of his soldiers;

Come on people! Model Maniac posted pictures of a diorama that he is happy with and felt proud of before all the negative comments. All of us had to start somewhere. There is such a thing as constructive critism and ripping someones efforts to shreads. Not all of us are master model builders and after seeing the negative comments by some people here I would not be surprised if many new modelers think twice before posting their projects. We want people to enjoy models and get into model building not turn them away.

So Model Maniac in my opinion keep building and keep posting your projects your diorama looks good please don't be turned off by some of the snobs here. What counts in the end is did you enjoy building it, are you happy with it, and can you improve on it. Every model builder and I mean EVERY model builder can improve their model building skills. Even the "master builders" can improve their projects.

In the model boat club I am a member of one of our members builds models that I can only dream of building but he still feels he has a LOT of room for improvement and NEVER tearsb down somebody elses efforts. If fact his best piece of advice to me about building wooden ship models was "go for it the worst that can happen is that you end up with some kindling for your fire place" Model Manic, your diorama is definitely not kindling material it looks good, so GO FOR IT!!

John LyleSo Model Maniac in my opinion keep building and keep posting your projects your diorama looks good please don't be turned off by some of the snobs here. What counts in the end is did you enjoy building it, are you happy with it, and can you improve on it.

I've been watching, commenting on, in some cases slamming, and finally coming full circle to appreciate Model Maniac's posts and model collection for years now, and what some of you new guys probably don't know is that "Model Maniac" is a collector of models and dioramas, and his standard is not that of perfection or implacable historical accuracy.

The diorama looks very good, specially the vegetation part but I have to agree with Agent D's comments regarding the lack of basics. Missing painting the K Bar and holster stands out. Both should be a red/brown like the boots. A little research goes a long way when doing these things specially when paying for it. I'm sure this wasn't cheap so I would ask him to correct these issues.

SuppressionFire - Thank you so much too for your kind understanding and backing. You're right, in just over 10 years AI has built more armors and dioramas than most if not all modelers can build in thier lifetime. Though not the best in quality, he makes it up with quantity. And quantity is quality in itself. The Russians proved that in WWII.

If I was serious about making these into beautiful keepsake dioramas I would putty up the cracks and slice off protruding parts of the mold. However since these are only to be used for my kids to play with for the next 6 weeks the cracks and protrusions remain.

An engineering feat that took the XM team over 2 years and a collaborative strike-force team of over 15 Artists and professionals, XM proudly presents the first of our Epic Diorama Series - the X-Men VS Sentinel! The battle scene pits 6 heroic X-Men characters; Beast, Archangel, Psylocke, Jubilee, Bishop and Colossus against a fearsome Sentinel robot and Nimrod. Crafted in Cold Cast Porcelain, the sheer size, details and immense presence this piece has will make it undoubtedly THE centerpiece showcase for any X-Men statue collector. While only 1:6 scale, this MASSIVE cold-cast porcelain diorama is anything but small! Not for the faint-hearted and only for the ultimate collector with space and unrivalled passion for the X-Men, this is the display centerpiece designed to stun any viewer into a state of disbelief and wonder. When shown at conventions, collectors spend the most time gawking at this diorama and revelling in all the incredible details and dynamism - it's almost as if you are right there watching the battle yourself! Each painstakingly handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the highest possible quality finish. Sculpted by an All-Star team comprising of Suheryanto Hatmaja, Kris Lee, Romell Chopraa, George Georgy and Marthin Agusta, engineered to perfection by the XM development team, this piece is a testament to XM's madness in pushing beyond boundaries. Be warned - you will need a large display area for this beast!

If you've ever visited, you'll know about the life-size sculpture of a blue whale that hangs in the Milstein Hall of Ocean Life, but did you know about the Andros Coral Reef? Detailed photographs allowed the creation of this diorama, which depicts a reef on a day in June 1920.

The Natural History Museum Vienna owes its expansive collection to the passions of the Austrian emperors and enlightenment scientists. The museum is still laid out according to the 19th-century belief that life progressed from simplicity to perfection.

A bare-chested male troupe accentuated their calisthenics with echoing drumming and songs, evoking images of Maasai warriors in their element. A living diorama with mystique. And the late-day pool of water at centre stage provided relaxation for all performers as they cooled their heels in splashes.

I used a pencil tied to a string taped to the side of a desk to draw large curves onto the piece of wood. Trial and error was key, and perfection was not my aim. I made the pieces about an inch thick so that they would withstand some abuse and chewing. be457b7860

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