Tips to Nourish, Protect and Strengthen Your Hair Follicles

Our hair form a major constitutent of our personality. People do a lot to make their hair look as best as they can. They style it, groom it, use tons of hair products, etc. However, the best way to to make your hair look fabulous naturally is to take care of the hair follicles first. Hence, follow these tips to nourish, protect and strengthen your hair follicles.

  • Hot Oil Treatment

Nourish your scalp and hair with hot oil treatment. To maintain hair health and prevent hair thinning, use olive oil. You can use other oil or a concoction of oils to target specific hair problems. For hot oil treatment, warm a little oil in a glass bowl in a double boiler. On the other hand, dip a head towel in warm water and then twist it to hand dry. After applying the hot oil, wrap your hair in the hot towel. Keep it for half an hour and then wash it off.

  • Eat Healthy

The most important tip for healthy hair follicles is to eat right. Eating a balanced diet replete with all the essential nutrients is a pre-requisite to protect the hair follicles from falling out. The vitamins and minerals especially needed for hair health are vitamin A, B, C, D, E, biotin, zinc, iron, folic acid, protiens, etc. On the other hand, excessive sugar and fats in your diet may affect the strength of the hair follicles. If your daily requirement of nutrients is not fulfilled by your diet, you can also take nutrient supplements.

  • Hairstyles

Tight ponytails, crazy hair styles and constant use of heat tools can lead to stress on the hair follicles causing them to fall out. Constant effect of pulling when the hair is tied or when it is combed through when straightening or blowdrying causes traction alopecia. Hence, you should avoid it as often as you can. Other ways to protect your hair follicles are to sleep with a satin pillow, using a hair protectant serum and using a detangling brush and serum.

  • Hydrate and Moisturize

Water is as much important for hair health as is food. Drink a lot of water to maintain the hydration level in your body as lack of can lead to dry and dull hair. Maintaining the moisture in the hair and scalp is also essential. Prevent your hair from direct heat of the sun or winds as it leads to moisture loss. Also, keep you scalp hydrated with oils or serums.

  • Avoid Harmful Chemicals

Avoid hair products with harmful chemicals. Chemicals agents, especially in hair treatments like hair bleaching, hair relaxing, perming, etc can permanently damage the hair follicles which causes hair loss.

  • Boar Bristle Brush

Use a boar bristle brush to nourish and strengthen your hair. It is gentle on the scalp, promotes hair strength, evenly spreads the sebum all over the scalp and stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles.

One of the most important ways to maintain hair health is to visit a trichologist as soon as you feel any scalp infection, scalp disorder or hair loss problem. Trichologists at Hair Transplant Clinic in Hyderabad are highly qualified, certified and experienced. Visit them to avail the most affordable treatments best suited to your hair problems.