Benefits Of Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair forms the royal crown of a person and thus, hair loss can be deeply traumatizing for both men and women. Thanks to the ever-evolving technology, hair transplant surgeries have become very accessible. It has not only become more affordable but also less complicated.

Hair transplant surgery using FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technology involves using microneedle for extraction of hair from high-density hair region and then transplanting the graft onto the balding patch. The microneedle helps in having a virtually scar-free and pain-free treatment. The cost of such a treatment is determined by the number of grafts to be harvested.

The benefits of hair transplant surgery extend much wider than mere physical appearance enhancement. It has several psychological advantages as well. Top 5 benefits of hair transplant are:

  1. Natural-looking Hair: The surgery, if performed by an experienced surgeon, yields remarkably natural-looking results since the transplanted hair is patient’s own.
  2. Permanent Hair: Hair transplant surgery is an easy way to get rid of all the hair loss woes. The grafted hair are permanent and hair growth takes place similar to natural hair. One can shave it or style it as per their choice without any fear.
  3. Cost Saver: As age progresses, hair loss is inevitable. Undergoing a hair loss surgery will save money from temporary baldness solutions like shampoos, oils, creams, injections, etc.
  4. Boosts Confidence: Hair loss can be a cause of diminished self-esteem and confidence. With baldness being rampant in young individuals, it can also cause severe depression which can harshly affect the quality of life. Hair transplant surgery encourages the patient to look towards the future with a positive outlook.
  5. Freedom From Tedious Home Remedies: Home remedies for hair growth includes oils, onion juice, amla extract, etc. Though they work, they involve a great deal of time and effort in addition to the embarrassing smell even days after their application. Hair transplant is much simpler and hassle-free. The doctor and the clinic will take care of every need.

For the best and the most affordable baldness treatment, visit hair transplant clinic in Chandigarh. You also get free consultation from experts along with guidance from experienced trichologists and surgeons.