Makeup Artist Brisbane For Weddings And Special Occasions.

Professional Makeup Artists Who Use The Right Make Up Products

Having your makeup done by a professional for your wedding day is an absolute must. The photos that you have to remember your big day will be displayed in your home for the rest of your life, so you need to make sure that your makeup artist is able to produce exactly what you want and enhance your natural glow. We have the skills, photos and client testimonials showing the high standards of our work and explain a little about our process here so that you can be confident in our ability to make you shine on your wedding day.

Primer Underneath The Makeup

Building the base of your make up is an important element to make sure that your skin looks flawless. We start by using a primer, which is used to help the makeup stay in place and last the throughout the night. We then move on to adding a series of concealers, which we are trained and experienced in using to hide the dark patches and blemishes of your skin so that you are looking silky smooth and supple to start with the other layers of your makeup. We also use this to contour your face to give you a picture-perfect look.

What Sort Of Foundation

Once the face has been primed and concealer applied, we move onto the foundation and matching the colour of your skin. The even application of your foundation and the application process are what will leave your skin looking flawless. We use a series of brushes to give you that airbrushed look of complete perfection and ensure that the colour of the foundation matches your skin tone, blending it seamlessly to the neck to avoid any noticeable lines. After the foundation has been successfully applied, we use a setting powder to make sure that it doesn’t move throughout the evening.

Eye Makeup From Natural To Glam

Eye makeup is where the real fun begins as it completes and enhances the look of your beauty. There are a range of different styles available to create the look you are wanting to achieve. You can opt for either earthy or darker colours, a natural or smoky look. The use of different eyeshadow bushes and blending skills we have can create a range of effects suited to your personality. Eyeliner is used to give your eyes that extra pop and can also be applied in a range of ways, whether you are looking for winged eyeliner, something simple or something bold, all can be created for you with ease due to our level of talent.

Lipstick Or Lipgloss

Lipstick can help to change the mood of the face, it can help to give a sweet and innocent look, or a classic bombshell look dependant on your personality. If you are unsure on what it is that you want, we can help give you guidance on what would be suited to you and the style of your hair and dress. We have been trained in identifying colours that match your skin tone to enhance your natural beauty.

Brisbane Hair and Makeup Master Sheet