About me:

I am a postdoc at the University of Cologne working with Prof. Sibylle Schroll . I completed my Ph.D. at Nagoya University in September 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Osamu Iyama. My main research interests revolve around the representation theory of algebras, especially dg algebras and their applications, triangulated categories and derived categories.

Haibo Jin

Research Interests:

Representation theory of algebras.

  • dg categories and dg algebras

  • Cohen-Macaulay modules

  • derived categories and singularity categories

  • graded gentle algebras

  • triangulated categories

  • simple-minded collections and simple-minded systems

  • cluster categories


  • Cohen-Macaulay differential graded modules and negative Calabi-Yau configurations, Adv. Math. 374 (2020).

  • Positive Fuss-Catalan numbers and Simple-minded systems in negative Calabi-Yau categories, joint with Osamu Iyama, International Mathematics Research Notices, doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnab369 . See also arXiv:2002.09952.

  • Reductions of triangulated categories and simple-minded collections, arXiv:1907.05114.

  • Ladders and localisation theorems, joint with Dong Yang and Guodong Zhou. in preparation.

  • Recollements of derived categories of graded gentle algebras, joint with Sibylle Schroll and Wen Chang. in preparation.


Department of Mathematics

University of Cologne

Weyertal 86-90

50931 Köln


Office: Mathematical Institut, Room 124

Email: hjin AT math.uni-koeln.de