School Meals

School meals are provided from RCT Catering kitchens. The menu is planned with due attention to dietary balance suitable for young children on a two week menu rota. An example menu is displayed in school or can be found on the RCT Council Website. If your child has any special dietary requirements please inform the school and these will be catered for. Dinners cost £2.70 per meal. All payments must be made online.

Children may bring a packed lunch to school if you wish. As a healthy school, no high energy/fizzy drinks are allowed and for health and safety reasons, no cans or glass bottles are allowed. For great packed lunch tip and healthy recipies see the NHS Better Health, Better Families website.


The children are supervised during and after their meal by our Teaching and Supervisory Assistants.

Below are updated guidance notes to assist with navigation on the online payments system. If you experience difficulties using the Online Payment System please contact the School Office who will be happy to help.

Online Payments estore2.pdf


Parents / Carers must inform school if their child has any food or non-food allergies. School staff have received Allergy Wise for Schools Training from Anaphylaxis UK. A range of fact sheets can be found on the Anaphylaxis UK Website.