Preprints and publications
Witten instanton complex and Morse-Bott inequalities on stratified pseudomanifolds (with G. Jayasinghe and X. Yu)
Exponential localization of 2d Magnetic Schrödinger eigenfunctions via Brownian flux
On the localization of eigenfunctions of the magnetic Laplacian (with J. Ovall, R. Reid, and S. Steinerberger)
To appear, Reports on Mathematical Physics
The Wave Trace on Asymptotically Complex Hyperbolic Manifolds
Submitted, August 2023
Self-adjointness criteria and self-adjoint extensions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on $\alpha$-Grushin manifolds (with I. Beschastnyi )
Submitted, May 2023
Magnetic Schrodinger operators and landscape functions. (with J. Hoskins and S. Steinerberger)
Communications in PDE. DOI: 10.1080/03605302.2023.2292992
The Calderon problem for the fractional Dirac Operator. (with G. Uhlmann)
Accepted, Mathematical Research Letters.
Sub-Riemannian limit of the differential form heat kernels of contact manifolds. (with P. Albin)
International Mathematics Research Notices. Volume 2022, Issue 8, April 2022, Pages 5818–5881.
Supported Publications
McMullen's Eigenvalue Algorithm for the Hausdorff Dimension of Complex Kleinian Groups (J. Linden and X. Wu)
Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Math Journal, Volume 24, Issue 2, November 27 2023